Hi guys, so i used to intern at a high level govt office. Things were pretty confidential. I had my own desk and space. A new lady came in, Loise. Almost immediately she was on my case asking intrusive personal questions when nobody was around.

One day she asks me if I've ever had a girlfriend. I said yeah. She asks me if i was heartbroken, i said no. She then asks if that relationship made me hate women. I said no i dont hate women. She asked me again if i hate women whispering "you can trust me" i replied no i don't. She asked me again and again and again. I kept on saying no. Eventually the 10th time i got tired so i said yes. She said youve confessed. It was so weird.

Later i had to go do the bar exam so i took leave. When i came back i sat on my desk. She told me there's someone sitting there i get out and look for some place to sit. I said what? She stood up walked to me, took my bag pushed it on my chest and said this is high level office with very sensitive information go sit somewhere else. So i left. I turned to get my stuff but she had already locked the door.

Anyways a law firm i had applied to called at the very same moment. I decided to leave that govt office. On my way to say my goodbye the boss sees me. She calls me and asks "why are you leaving, did someone Chase you away?" I said no. As fate would have it she recently moved into our neighbourhood along kiambu road. I see her every now and then. Should i tell her about my encounter with Loise or i just let it go?