Lowering headlights for oncoming traffic Ask r/Kenya

I’ve been living in Kenya for almost a year and at night it seems like everyone uses their high beams all the time at night. The high beams I’m referring to are the blue headlight icon that flood the road, the trees, and the other drivers’ eyes with light. It seems like no one lowers their lights for oncoming traffic. Should I not lower my headlights for oncoming traffic while driving in Kenya, or am I missing something?


Sure tariffs are bad, but how can a country engage with another country that doesn’t conform to labor and environmental protections or has other unfair practices?

I was able to get it resolved, you need to persistently message Uber help with screenshots. It took weeks but they finally resolved my problem.

I have had multiple Uber accounts on different devices. I have a car usually so don’t use it regularly. Maybe they flagged my credit card for some reason?

Uber Says I’m in violation of their terms and conditions

Uber says I’m in violation of their terms and conditions and declines to process my card (the bank can’t see any transaction attempts) but I’ve never taken a ride successfully. Any suggestions besides get a new phone number?
