I just want to know if it’s a myth or not. I read a pastor in a “right-wing” part of the country was reading from the Surmont on the Mount- and afterwards someone came up to him and said “where did you get those liberal talking points?”. The pastor reminded him that they weren’t at all Liberal talking points- they literally came from Jesus’s mouth. And the man responded “yeah yeah I know, but that’s weak it doesn’t work anymore”. I remember a time when Obama said “turn the other cheek” wouldn’t make good national security policy and got a lot of backlash for that a decade ago.

I’ll give you my opinion. I think it’s quite clear that Jesus along with his message transcended politics entirely. There’s no modern party that absolutely follows Jesus. As a liberal I had to learn this for myself- that my views fell short in a number of ways and I was only deceiving myself and I’m always open to learning a growing.

People perceiving Jesus’s message as weak because of the current political climate and mannerisms of major political figures however seems to be a blatant perversion of the message.

No hate here for anyone- I’m basically just trying to reach a consensus. Admitting I lean more left will no doubt cause some of the readers to dislike and tune out and I understand. Hopefully we can all take some responsibility and work towards fostering a more understanding attitude towards others, especially our neighbors let alone our perceived enemies.