28th Pennsylvania Infantry

Never knew there was an Atlanta Flames team. They even lasted twice as long as the Confederacy and had a winning record in the regular season.

"Presidential" is a really vague term. Having extra-marital affairs, committing war crimes, and not being very honest isn't exactly unprecedented behavior among Presidents or world leaders in general. Just focusing on superficial characteristics both are Ivy League educated boomers, who avoided service in Vietnam, with ties to the South and deliberately cultivated "redneck" personas. Maybe "Dubya" is somewhat more dignified in his private life (like not committing adultery) but I would consider his lies about Iraq far more destructive than anything Clinton did. It's probably about a wash.

Probably John Marshall. The concept of "judicial review" isn't explicitly written in the Constitution*, and in the early republic it wasn't clear that the Supreme Court should have that power. Marshall is widely credited with establishing the doctrine in Marbury v Madison. Whatever one thinks of the decision I'm hard pressed to think of a more consequential act by any other American statesman.

*Though Hamilton did suggest it in the Federalist Papers.

Pittsburgh Pirates

I consider Beltran an even worse cheater than the people who took steroids. Not only did he cheat himself, but he directly pressured others to do it as well. If they don't deserve to be in, he doesn't either.

Pittsburgh Pirates

Freddie is having a solid year, but Bryce Harper is playing even better.

Pittsburgh Pirates

I think he's currently on the injured list.

One thing to keep in mind is that people back then didn't see the KKK the way we do. The film Birth of a Nation is widely seen as nasty, racist KKK propaganda today (and it is), but the stuff in there isn't really that different from what mainstream historians were writing about Reconstruction at the time (see for example William Archibald Dunning). There was a ton of corruption in politics in general during the Reconstruction era, and there was a widespread perception that Southern whites had legitimate grievances against Northern "carpetbaggers" and easily duped, poorly educated blacks who voted them into power (or held office themselves). The KKK were (falsely) seen as romantic figures who were heroically standing up for the rights of oppressed white Southerners.

As for the KKK in the 1920s, they were certainly racist, but they were also reactionary and xenophobic in general. And they were hugely popular. Over 250,000 members in Indiana alone. White voters in the South absolutely despised Republicans at the time and had "no where else to go" so John Davis could afford to lose some support in the South. Immigrants and Catholics were a big part of the Democrats coalition in Northern states so it makes sense that he would take a stand that was popular with them. Standing up to the Klan was certainly the right thing to do morally, but politically speaking it's not clear Calvin Coolidge had much to gain by making it an issue.

I didn't have a very strong opinion of Lyndon Johnson one way or the other until I came across Robert Caro's biographies. LBJ was a colossal dick.

Derrick Thomas and Lawrence Taylor since the Steelers run a 3-4 defense. They would be a better fit.

Martin Luther, Oliver Cromwell, and Andrew Jackson are debated to this day. I don't see any reason to think that will change any time soon.

There are some very nasty sex abuse accusations against Martin Luther King Jr. There's debate among scholars over whether they're reliable or not, and FBI documents regarding them are due to be declassified in a few years. If they turn out to be at least partially true it's likely that his legacy will be significantly re-evaluated.

Lots of characters from Greco-Roman mythology appear in various works over a course of centuries and even millennia. Odysseus (aka Ulysses) is referenced by Homer, Sophocles, Virgil, and Ovid in ancient times and in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy over 1,000 years after that. And there are film adaptations of those works to this day. Hell, you can even find references to Greek mythology in children's cartoons.

While not about any specific character, the ideas and themes in George Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984 have taken on a life of their own and can be spotted all over the place.

And of course Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" have been done to death.

Alf Landon (Kansas Governor who lost to FDR) was born in West Middlesex PA.

Agnostic Atheist

No. Though I'm not sure how this is relevant.

Edit to add: That example says don't lie with a married woman. The Leviticus quote says not to lie with a male without qualification.

Agnostic Atheist

From my understanding the New Revised Standard Version is pretty much the gold standard translation for serious scholars:

You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.

I'm genuinely flummoxed as to how that can be read as anything other than a condemnation of gay sexual activity. Sure there's plenty of other stuff in the Old Testament that no Christian abides by, so maybe you have a decent case that it no longer applies, but to argue it doesn't condemn homosexuality at all? What does it mean then?

Agnostic Atheist

This is highly unfortunate, and if you go back to times when Americans were united in Christ then you’ll find politics was rightfully engaged with in a more measured and reasonable way, with an emphasis on reaching the best conclusions for all parties involved through comprise and debate.

What exactly do you mean by the bold? Americans were much more religious during the 1860s and we had a civil war.

:audrey_hepburn: Audrey Hepburn

Meanwhile, an online petition launched by Polish language teachers and signed by over 4,600 people accuses the government of failing to listen to them and other experts. It calls for even greater cuts to the compulsory reading list and for “more trust” in teachers to choose texts to read with their pupils.

Totally agree with this. Classics and fiction can have enormous value for those who come to them willingly and read them because they want to; but shoving it down the throats of the unwilling is worse than worthless. It breeds resentment and goes in one ear and out the other anyway. Reading, writing, and critical thinking skills are essential and must be taught, but more modern non-fiction texts are far better for that (unless the student has a genuine interest in classics and fiction as previously stated).

Agnostic Atheist

What is heretical about it?

Jesus, Mohammad, Plato, the Buddha... Whatever one thinks of them and their ideas, the impact is enormous, enduring, and undeniable.

The "Great Man" theory is mostly associated with Thomas Carlyle. "Idea" men actually featured heavily in his theory. Mohammad, Dante, Shakespeare, Martin Luther, and Samuel Johnson among others.

Agnostic Atheist

It's even worse than that. They don't hesitate to bring up that Leviticus verse about gays, but when the same book says stuff like this:

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. - Leviticus 19:34 NRVSA

Well, that's outdated and doesn't apply anymore...

Agnostic Atheist

I checked out the charity's website and found this:

Our Immigration Services provides low-cost legal aid services to immigrants, and newcomers to this country, all within the confines of the law. These services allow clients an opportunity to contribute and participate more fully in our communities. 

The Immigration Services provided include: Adjustment of Status, Consular Processing, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Family-based petitions, Naturalization/Citizenship, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Work Authorization.

We affirm the inherent dignity bestowed by God on every human person, including immigrants and refugees, no matter the circumstances that compel a person to begin a new life in our community.

I'm not sure what all of those programs entail, but it looks reasonable enough on the surface. There may well be lots of immigrants who've done nothing wrong, who need help understanding the laws and navigating government bureaucracies. It says nothing about subverting immigration laws.

Arguments about the separation of church and state aside, the governor's reasoning for cutting off government aid to this charity does look very flimsy.

28th Pennsylvania Infantry

If the United Daughters of the Confederacy think that phallic imagery is an appropriate memorial to a murderous tyrant, who am I to argue...

Defensive end, middle linebacker, cornerback.... Such different skill sets makes it really hard to fairly compare. But just to be different I'll say Pete Henry. Best player on an undefeated Canton Bulldogs team that allowed 15 points in 1922.