That’s another trait, denial of reality and facts. Completely unchristian. Christianity is about helping the poor, the sick, the disabled. I’ve heard a famous christian nationalist even criticize Christ saying he should have had a gun. The KKK waved crosses, probably because they’d be the first to crucify Christ.

Seem the same to me, fighting wars killing civilians overthrowing democracies abandoning equality under the law and freedom. What do the Christian nationalists want today killing Mexican children who cross a border? Of course many of these Mexicans are named are carpenters named Jesus and come with their twelve friends to do cheap labor.

You made it clear you are people of the book. That’s okay, may Allah forgive you.

Sounds like they’re projecting their own thoughts and ways. How can I talk sense to such a vile person but ask Allah to guide them and treat them with human dignity regardless of their anger and hatred.

You sound like the Jews who fought the prophet, they too had a Torah and Talmud, but when the man who met jibreel came, they got angry and said as you said. May Allah forgive you and bring peace to your heart.

Ahadith don’t cover a lot of problems of today. The people who focus on them tend to become frightened and angered at how different the world 1400 years later looks. The renewers of this religion come every 100 years, what about their Ahadith? What about the people who Allah sent Jibreel to this year and the next year? Where are they and what can they tell us?

Notice I never said any of the shirk you accused me of. You have to relax, we say salaam alaikum because as Muslims we should be at peace. Allah made different groups to learn from each other. I live amongst salafis and I enjoy it, I don’t takfir any of these people.

If someone met Jibreel and told you what Jibreel told them, would you believe them? Would you even care to meet such a person? If it meant you had to put yours books aside, and stop judging people based on people you’ve met before and books you’ve read. If you had to just trust in Allah alone and make no books partners with his Quran. There are surahs in the Quran I wonder how you even read them are they even much of interest? Couldn’t Allah teach us what they mean and what importance they have for us today in our world and time with our problems?

It’s not needed, you can follow Islam without such things, you can find an Islam that avoids the unseen and gives you a way to worship Allah and follow the prophet. Don’t be angry at those of us who choose different. People who followed Rumi conquered Constantinople, Conquered al Quds, conquered Mecca and Medina, conquered lands of the kuffar and brought people to Islam who had never heard of it. Are the millions of Muslims today who say la illaha illa llah because of him a sign he was misguided?

Do you believe in angels and true dreams and visions from Allah? Don’t they trump your books? Allah is alive, isn’t the greater question of how do we get a meeting with Jibreel on Layla tul qadr? And who are the people who are getting these meetings? What do they have to say?

People of Jannah will fight people of Jannah. Everyone wants to be the most loved by Allah, and yet Allah decides alone. Even Musa cried that Rasulullah was a higher rank than him and accomplished this as a younger man.

Surely Talha zubayr and Aisha had better judgment than them, and Ali was better than Ibn arabi and rumi, yet they fought him.

Go ahead and laugh calling people kafir who you’ve never met. Muslims round the world have celebrated them and brought great triumph to Islam through their works. Allah is the judge.

There is a difference. My own life style never needed self defense. I give away my property so never had to defend it, death seems fun get to travel to another world. I always thought it’d be scary to cause more evil in this world, things are never as they seem especially when emotions are high. every robber always appeared to me a beggar and every violent person always seemed to me a mental patient in need of therapy.

Other people live differently. Different circumstances and natures.

Every time I had a gun pointed at me I just told them to shoot. 🤣 people run away. Seriously being murdered less scary than being a murderer. The murdered go to heaven, the murderer wanders the earth in terror of when the punishment comes.

It’s a metaphorical sword, as the truth divides people against each other. Jesus was never violent, the apostles weren’t violent. None of them ever used a sword to attack or defend. Jesus said “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword”

The Jews killed their prophets, the Muslims takfir their awliya. It’s as I said, the salafis, there‘s levels of Islam they cannot go. We’d have to talk about the fitna when Ali became Khalifa, and even people of Jannah like Aisha, Az-zubayr and Talhah are ending up on the opposite side of him. You’d say these sahaba were amongst the greatest in Islam how are they fighting Ali? And the same goes for respected scholars who were turn against ibn arabi and rumi. If Aisha Az-zubayr and talhah can make such a mistake any scholar of Islam can.

Yes, they must ask for forgiveness, never do it again, and inshallah the one who insults the prophet will become one who praises the prophet.

There’s infinite possibilities, infinite possible universes, God knows them all and humans have the free will to choose which one they enter, all have them are completely under the domain of God.

How does Greek translate the two statements since they appear the same in my English bible?

Day like a year, like a month, like a week, and the rest will be normal days. This is a very deep statement, Allah knows best what it means. The prophet wouldn’t have said it like that if he meant something normal.

You’re never hear them quote Rumi. Also mysteriously absent is Ibn Arabi.

It’s a point of view of the salafi born out of politics of today. They are great people to learn the fundamentals of Islam from though! But the levels beyond that they don’t reach and they fear hellfire should they even attempt.

Jibreel comes annually on Layla tul Qadr. There’s a whole surah dedicated to this. Surely the people we want to learn from most are those that have been meeting Jibreel.

Luke 3:38 Adam is called the Son of God. Son of God is a title for those who God created without a human father.

Violence is unchristian. Martyrdom, that’s the peek of manliness. To die rather than to kill because you believe in God and you believe in the afterlife, and you fear not the pains of this world.

I suppose weapons and cunning are no longer the traits of men?

So a small man can’t defeat a big man? Where I come from the more muscular they are the greater they fear death. Beauty queens gazing at themselves hours a day in the mirror like women don’t appear manly to me.