Follower of The Way

Not a single one of us are deserving of the gift. God loves us enough anyway.

Release it, release all Epstein data. Let the pieces lay where they fall. It's funny, until Trump became an Epstein target no one was interested. Suddenly now, maybe we'll see it.

Follower of The Way

Yes, God gave life, and he takes life. The OT is full of examples of Him punishing people for disobedience. He also instructed His people to destroy other civilizations who took part in sacrificing babies.

Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. -Psalm 128

Follower of The Way

Some things, yes, some, no, many he probably doesn't concern himself with.

Remember, when He returns, He will be our Jewish king. What laws do you suspect he will enact? I don't think he will enact any. The word enact suggests they're not already in effect. We've been given the law, it's in effect today as it always has been, and will be.

Follower of The Way

Yeah, part of God's punishment for the Israelites should they not obey. Obedience is important. I know other aspects of that did come true when they disobeyed, I'm not sure if cannibalism actually happened, I've not seen record of it.

Follower of The Way

Don't be so hard on yourself. There are complex topics in scripture and the writing needs to be understood in the context of the day it was written. Give yourself time to take it in, pray, understanding will come. The Holy Spirit will help you understand.

For the Torah readings, I suggest following the Torah Portions - You spend about 30 minutes a week reading and get through the Torah every year (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). Excellent for foundational understanding.

His net worth went down during his presidency. This is unheard of in recent history among presidents. I suspect it's similar with members of congress as well.

You dodged a bullet there. I heard v5 was buggy.

Follower of The Way

Are you in USA? If so, there isn't a police jurisdiction that wouldn't take the assault you described seriously. I can't really speak of other countries though.

As for God's command to love your enemy, this doesn't require you to put yourself in harms way. You should pray for him to get the help he needs. You don't need to be friends with him.

Follower of The Way

Lord of the universe He supplies our food He heals us He gave us the Torah He gave us the Sabbath He gave us His feasts He gave us His son

This includes: no internet at all (no Wi-Fi, no phone, no chit-chats, no radio, no TV, no newspapers, no magazines, etc.). They spend time with family (or friends) by reading the Bible, singing, teaching kids, answering Bible questions, resting, and relaxing.

Except for resting with the Lord, kindling a flame, and doing no work (often described as regular work), what you listed appears made up.

Yeah, I've read the bible, I read quite a bit during shabbat. I also tend to read quite a bit while responding to Reddit posts. During shabbat, I'll read my Torah portion, prophecy, and gospel. After that, I read whatever I feel led to read.

Shabbat Shalom.

I am a Sabbath keeper. What am I doing wrong?

I think the OP is using this to bring women to the surface. Don't fall for it.

Follower of The Way

Yeshua warns us many times not to allow ourselves to be deceived. Almost like it's a huge risk.

Follower of The Way

I think I'd still want to be in covenant with my creator, so yes.

Follower of The Way

As if you have a clue as to what I know.