Dude got more hair on his arm than my cat during the summer

I agree- neither party perfectly follows Christ. We can do our best to strive for that but unfortunately there isn’t a specific party which emulates Christ.

19? Too uninteresting to roast…NEXT

I had a transcendent experience as well many years ago when I was an agnostic. Let me just say, I cursed at God “God I hear you love me, I don’t fuing know if it’s true, but I hear you fuing love me and I need fu**inf HELP!”. Immediately filled with calm and peace and fell asleep. Next day I started a life changing journey and grew closer to God everyday.

For me it’s about having a person relationship with God- and it really is personal. For me it was a desperate prayer that drew me closer to God as I felt my prayer was immediately answered. It was up to me after that. When you start experiencing God for yourself it builds on your trust, faith and overall relationship with God- gratitude as well. You can’t help yourself but love God because God is love.

I’d love to get in a plane crash with you

This isn’t “roast me” guys what lead to this comment I’m confused?

Based on your question I need to know 1. How ugly do you think you are? And 2. Why do you think you’re ugly in the first place?

Help those in darkness by being in the light, being loving, having faith- be kind and then they will know that you were sent by God. Something like that, right?

I only let the video run for a minute and could tell that lady was up to no good.

It sounds like you’re self aware of where you fall short and I can’t see that as anything but a good thing. Self-awareness is an important quality and step to change. I’m not going to watch that video because I could see it as being bad for my mental health and I don’t need that right now. I’m working on myself and am not totally blind to my short comings. Don’t live in fear- walk in love and faith. Trust God is guiding you, holding your hand and showing you the way- nothing to fear, faith is strength not weakness. Don’t obsess about hell.

You’re not a Trump supporter who just found out Trump was pedo, right? lol just need to check

God bless, brother - may we not let our divisions tear us apart