This is the sexist shit but despite having lots of life skills SAH (bc we all know you are working at home negotiating with toddler tantrums, caring work is work 10o%) etc so many employers look down on your employment gap. You’ll find yourself behind your male peers who don’t have career gap who will out earn you and have higher 401k and get promotional opportunities .

I’d seriously do some looking around to ensure you keep even a foot in the workforce somehow. Start making a plan for when your kids are older. Maybe if you think your old industry was shit find ways you can carve time to retrain or something.

I post this bc I have sat through a lot of friends screwed over in the workforce after the kid career breaks but also post divorce they’ve ended up so far behind people they used to manage. I’m not judging your choices but I’ve seen too many women financially screwed over being SAH.

I’d have thought it was the first book in that series - the one where Georgia is the publicist and daughter of the coach and Leo her high school bf is recruited. Part of this post sounds like this, part sounds like Brooklynaire where Becca gets with Nate the owner (her boss but she helped build the company )


We need to stop framing childcare costs as being borne out of the woman’s pay ie the idea that a woman is essentially working to pay for childcare (no income) so it’s not worth working . Childcare is a shared expense like rent would be. Not just what the SAHM would earn.

Secondly not working at all means you have nothing in your 401k and zero work history which will bite you on the arse when your kids are older or in the event of divorce or your partner loses their job or becomes injured or disabled. You’ll retire completely and financially fucked over

Agree. I’d be heading to the abortion clinic, personally. 23 and pregnant and now bf has come up with SAH? Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuun

Oh look it’s entirely possible that as the relationship disintegrated he sought company elsewhere. But it’s also possible she did too given how mental she’s behaving. But it’s mere speculation on my part and anyone is capable of doing anything really. Fundamentally the relationship has long been dead and her behaviour is revolting.

What I detest with second chance is the constant chapters that go between Now and then for us to discover this ‘big secret’ why they’re estranged and every single time is one MC who overheard or misheard wrong thing and refused to ask first clarification or one of them pushes the other away instead of telling them their father or something wants them to end it or they’ll do something to live interest. Or something equally daft Ethan could’ve been a paragraph if dialogue in chapter 3.

If you’re going to do 2nd chance then I want focus on present day showing me that they’ve changed and matured and that they rediscovered each other who they are the present and get to know the MC and bond that way AND they get out of the way early why they broke up from each perspective so they can get to know each other again.

Just like Persuasion which is gold standard 2nd chance for me. The book is far better off without past chapters of teenage Anne and Wentworth meeting falling in love there her being persuaded to refuse him. Yawn!

It’s harder for women to get sterilised vs men …

You still need your go to HR and your supervisor. Start documenting it. Also maybe it’s possible they with you can come up with solutions such as seperate hotels or travel with others for a while or you’re allowed to do solo trips.

I’m sure there’s a way to do this that minimises you alone with her. This is actually their duty as an employer over safety. Hell uf you gave to take a lawyer or union rep with you.

Also that husband won’t do any cooking or cleaning but his mum will do it. Which means when they are in their months down he will do nothing to keep house clean and it rip be OP stuck.

OP was uncomfortable enough to not consent. There’s drink and there’s messy drunk- he clearly felt she was at the latter stage and rightfully declined.

She was impaired she can’t and op also didn’t consent.

It’s rape even if they’re married. She was too inebriated to have sex. OP was correct.

She was very drunk. This doesn’t matter whether they’ve been married a long time: she cannot consent. OP was correct to not try because that would be rape. Her drunken stare makes her temporarily impaired not to consent.


She looks like she’s the older frumpy aunt forced to tag along to supervise. TBF it’s a crap photo bc she’s caught unaware in background and the shiny finish of the dress looks awful mid stride.

So here’s the thing, I’m super sorry this has all sucked and I cannot stress this enoigh, rest until you can’t rest no more with covid. Long covid is real, don’t push yourself. Physics girl Dianna Cowern got it on her honeymoon and two years later cannot leave her bed.

But I have to say four years into a pandemic of a highly transmissible virus via air so we know you need HEPA filters and good cross ventilation (eg open those doors and windows) how are we shocked that weddings are spreading this virus? Why aren’t people taking this seriously with their venues to minimise risk for peoples health especially imunno compromised family members who’d be there? The world has changed and we need to be planning events with a virus in mind that has killed or disabled a lot of people.

NTA your sister not taking to you is not the punishment she thinks it is, go LC, you did the right thing. She sounds like she’s got main character energy.

This was a 3.5 for me. TBH I wished he and the teenage niece stayed in New York. I I found Sage a bit borderline MPDG and there was a bit of some rose coloured small town glasses for me. I just didn’t buy the chemistry, it was a bit too Insta lust.

Asshole Aficionado [14]

God could you imagine if they did the immature ‘trick’ of ‘accidentally’ spilling red wine on her dress? I detest that mean girl shit. Who cares of someone wears white. It’s so egotistical

NTA you’ve given them a huge financial start to graduate without debt. They got a small amount from their mums estate. You have every right to sell the house and keep the money for your retirement or if you have medical needs as you age. They are being entitled brats. I very much doubt they’d pay for your aging costs so you need this money.


No offence taken. I do think there’s abandon (which is what has happened here - a new mum finding herself parenting solo bc her husband is at the beck and call of his estranged mother) vs Abandon (eg both OP and her husband).

The abandoning of OP and their baby triggers the Abandoning OP had. I don’t discount husband is triggered too and his responses to basically be his mums servant is from his childhood shit, by coming when called he hopes she won’t leave him again. But in doing so he is abandoning his family.

Don’t forget this is a pattern of behaviour happening - husband is spending all his free time catering to his mums whim while his wife is clearly struggling with no one else in her life apart from husband who isn’t around. I think abandon isn’t being misused. She’s cracked bc she’s on her own with a sick and cranky baby. She’s not had a shower in days and all her energy is on mothering with likely not much sleep.

Do I think divorce is a big jump? Do I think husband just can’t stop serving his mum? Yup hence comment about therapy for all.

As I said they need individual and family therapy.

As I said they need individual and family therapy.