Here’s a recap of the whirlwind events during my wedding week and after that I just had to share.

  • Had the wedding of my dreams & married an amazing man on Friday!
  • Found out Saturday a hurricane was headed to our honeymoon resort, and I had booked a no-cancellation option 😱
  • Started feeling unwell Saturday night, and by Sunday night had a fever and wheezing.
  • Tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday and am currently in the ER (kept overnight for observation)
  • Our honeymoon was supposed to start TODAY - after LOTS of back and forth the resort finally let us rebook for next week due to the medical emergency. 🤞🏻I’m better!
  • Several wedding guests have also tested positive or have symptoms, and I feel terrible about it. 🥺
  • We just got married and already faced stressful hurdles we needed to overcome!