I find their song so beautiful and soothing

He said with enough sarcasm to black out the Sun

vegan chef

Praise publicly, critique privately

I dunno I kinda like cooking and cleaning for someone in return for money and sex

Depends where. At an independent restaurant in my city head chefs pull $60k or more.

I work in event catering as executive sous chef and earn 6 figures

Doesn't make sense to compare those two. Different clients and expectations and price point. Same for private chef work.

I was considering a move out west and Vegas looks appealing because high tourism = banquet business, so I could probably find work. Hows the job market? Housing?

40 dollars an hour. Which isn't a bad deal

Yes it is.

that fucking sucks. Including food cost into what you pay the chef is insane. Let alone $250 for a days work of exclusive meal prep. Looking at that menu there's no fucking way it only took 6 hours for shopping and prep. Chef got robbed or this is fake

vegan chef

Portland is expensive as hell what are you talking about

vegan chef

Where I live (Tennessee, USA) we're required to provide a 30 minute break but it's not mandatory. On slow days people take it, on busy days they don't

No way she ordered all that food. Did you just offer a bunch of free food bc you know who she is?

vegan chef

Came here to say chestnuts

I watched this with no sound and don't feel I missed anything

It's ok if they're walking distance to the beach

breeds are responsible for the most attacks

They are often misidentified https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26403955/

Why you so defensive about it, mate?

this is Nashville and not Asia. Hawkers is also a chain restaurant

ok so lower my expectations and prepare to pay through the nose and like it. heard. thank you for changing my mind!