love it- should do the same after the game. cmon avs!

top of sie/tattered cover parking garage facing west 😘

my sister went to smith college graduated in four years with a philosophy major and then died of a heroin overdose. tell you wife to STFU cause you NEVER FUCKING KNOW. karma can be a real bitch, like your wife.

i dont know one human who doesnt put their trash out the night before…

i cant believe people actually cry into a camera and actually post it on the internet. not just her, anyone. everyone.

this is just my personal experience!!-i suggest going to a good local pet store and asking someone who seems to know their stuff. my pet food store friend told me that vets are given a 6 week course in food thats basically a marketing gimmick run by purina. nothing about nutrition. (just what i was told no offense to any hard working vets!) give your dog grain free chicken free expensive good kibble. nothing youd find at a big name pet store or a grocery store. i also take my berner to a vet who is a berner specialist. they are sensitive dogs in every way, they are also the absolute best dogs on the planet and worth every xtra penny. good luck to you and your dog!! πŸ–€πŸ€ŽπŸ€

WHO CARES!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

she looks like dawn weiner in this photo and now all the time