My wife and I have a 16 year old daughter who just cleared a highly competitive exam. Now, we are extremely proud of her and my wife sort of “brags” about this in her circle of friends which is fair I guess. No big deal. However we do have a couple in a different social circle whose son (16M) couldn’t clear this exam and my wife knows.

According to social etiquette and in general you’re not supposed to push your achievements in faces of those who failed, and naturally, any discussions around this exam is a sore spot for them. However this didn’t stop my wife from asking the mom what rank the boy got, how our daughter is undergoing university counselling to decide which college to go to and stuff like that. I could tell the mom was getting uncomfortable and I nudged my wife to stop but she didn’t.

When we came home I berated her for how she acted and reminded her we already talked about this so why did she deliberately try to make the couple feel bad about this exam. She tried to plead plausible deniability but I set the record straight and said if she ran her mouth again like that I’ll call her out in front of everyone and embarrass her.

She started crying and told me I was awful for how I spoke and the words I used. I don’t normally talk to anyone like that but her persistent behaviour has put me off now as it’s not the first time a thing like this happened. I told her I’m sorry if my words hurt her feelings but she deserves to be called out if she decides to continue acting like this.

I felt justified in giving her an ultimatum/warning because this has been the last straw for me and I’m tired of having endless conversations with her. This was the only way to get through to her