The speed of a comeback matters as much as the brilliance, maybe more. Hitting singles can be more important than always going for the home run.

Refuse to go to your mother's home. Let her call the cops again. When the police show up, tell them you are NOT going to do things your mother's way, that you've tried it at their suggestion multiple times and it doesn't work.

If you have a therapist, have her/him put it in writing that you need to have your phone handy for emergencies, and that Mom's behavior is usually the emergency. If you don't have a therapist, you may need one for your future good.

Make sure everyone involved understands that you are not causing the conflict, and that you are not backing down this time.

Find out the age when a child can have the right paper filed to live with just one parent. File that day.

Good luck!

For a very short time. Sold at a small loss when I finally did my homework and realized what a loon Wood is.


You could be in more trouble from a zealous prosecutor or angry judge than from the defendant if you don't show up. So show up, testify truthfully without volunteering any conjectures, and support the system.

When questioned, confirm what you know and state the basis for the rest. "I smelled something pungent, it may have been marijuana."

As for identifying yourself to the woman or her defense lawyer, they already have that information.

If you're lucky, this will be settled before trial. If not, it's not such a terrible thing--unless you either don't show up or show up and lie.

One last tip--It's nothing like what you see on TV or in the movies. Not nearly as dramatic, and the female attorneys are not always stunning.


Having once been next to Willie in a bar, I'd say weed, and whiskey or beer.

His style of music is not my favorite, but some of his songs are incredible, and the time I met him at that bar was one I'll never forget. He is SO cool.


"I don't belong to an organized political party. I'm a Democrat."

Will was almost always spot on. Unfortunately so in this case.

(I'm a Democrat, too)

Give her the credit for her usual amazing delivery, and to the scriptwriter if she or he came up with that. All credit to Dame Judi if it's her creation.

This was just after I got out of college. Sharing an apartment with a college "friend". I had a job that required travel, 4-5 nights a week. Left on Monday morning, sink empty. Come home Friday night, sink full. Not the first time, either. Roommate out drunking, denies their his dishes. Saturday morning, he's hung over, still denies it. "Well, they're not mine, I was out of the state, they're not my parents' who are on vacation in California, they're not those of my grandmother in Florida, my brother on a work assignment in Maryland, or my aunt in Brooklyn. Kind of narrows the possibilities, doesn't it?"

The worst of it is that he left without doing the damned dishes. Not wanting to live in filth, I did them myself.

Between that and the phone incident and the bed incident, which I won't detail here, the expiration of the lease after the year came as a blessing. I moved out on my own and didn't have a roommate for over 25 years.

I've known and know a lot of middle-aged and older husbands who are in that situation.

"Why do so many husbands die so many years before their wives?"

"Because they want to,"

It's only a joke--for the greater part. A large part is their being older than their wives, and having no real center to their lives when they stop working.

Funny how it was a big deal last week, when you thought you'd get it.

According to your ex, you're an expert on things not being big.

Ask me if it's going to day noob next to my name forever

Just my theory--

A lot of people were salty about the constant CF that was the development of Fontainebleau--the length of time it took to build it, how ugly it was while nothing was happening for YEARS, the changes of name and ownership, etc. On top of that, there's a great amount of nostalgia for the places that used to be on that part of the Strip but are no more--El Rancho Vegas, Thunderbird, Frontier, Stardust, Desert Inn, Riviera, etc., and any place that opened in the north Strip was going to be "not as good". (My parents simply LOVED the Stardust, for the record)

Then, when it finally opened, the original "management" did it in a way that convinced everyone that they either had no clue or were trying to f**k it up. Anything that went wrong was immediately jumped on as "proof" that the place was hopeless, and the apparent incompetence of the original manglement played right into that trope. A lot of the critics came in with an attitude of "I don't care how good or bad it is, I'm going to trash the place", kind of like Mortimer Brewster in Arsenic and Old Lace--"I know, I'll write the review on the way TO the theater. That'll save time!"

Having trashed the place for not being perfect (or anywhere near it) from Day One, a lot of the critics can't admit that some of their initial complaints may have been resolved, and that efforts to improve are ongoing. They've made up their minds, and no amount of evidence will convince them otherwise.

As I said, this is just my theory. On my next trip, I'll check the place out, maybe even stay there for a night if I get a decent rate. Maybe the critics are right, maybe not. But the initial criticism seemed to have a lot of groupthink in it.

I learned the right way to bag groceries when I worked in a small store while in high school. I don't mind doing my own bagging. I'm still fast, nothing gets crushed, and like items get bagged together (dairy, frozen, etc.). I stopped going to one store when some assistant manager type got on my a** for "doing employees' work". Friend, I know what I'm doing, which is more than I can say for most "baggers" I see.

You're assuming that It doesn't win in November and try to cancel future elections.

I have a long-time client who's a dermatologist. He says he catches hell from the big medical corporation he works for if he refers a patient to another dermatologist for the reasons you cite--but he does it regardless, "if that makes them more comfortable". He says his patients deserve doctors who are best equipped to help them. He's also only a few years from probable retirement, so he may be running low on f**ks to give about the almighty corporation.

If your husband has no role in the business, not even drawing a paycheck to reduce the corporation's profits or being a backup check signer--keep it that way.

I have several female doctors as clients, and the only one who changed her name did so because (a) they got married as undergraduates, and (b) "his name is much shorter and easier to spell".

Tell your SILs to piss off, as it's none of their business. Tell MIL that your name is your brand AND that you're as proud of your family name for how far all of you have come since coming here as she is for being from old money with a self-impressed name. Tell hubby to deal with her as best he can and that while you love him 100%, you're not going to bend on this non-issue.

Stand your ground and be proud! If necessary, tell her, "You don't get a veto, you don't get a vote, and I've heard your opinion enough times now. I've made my decision and I shall not revisit it again. This discussion is over. Please pass the peas."

I have standards.

If you're the typical person in this school, I don't want any friends here.

This way, I won't get stabbed in the back.

Ask me if it's going to day noob next to my name forever

I'd rather wear the colors of a team that wins.

Because you're not just wrong but way off.

Because you're using fake facts to support your wrong position.

Why are you so offensive?

I'm responding to your way-off statements, and all you have left is a low-grade insult.

When someone accuses me, I either admit the accusation is true or I defend myself. This time, I'm defending myself.