Speaking as a mom whose daughter didn't get her diagnosis until she was 15, I totally screwed this one up. Still trying to make up for it two years later...

This is so sad. I'm the mom of an autistic daughter and I know she would be devastated if one of her special dishes was destroyed. Sending love.

Bars showing WNBA games this season

Which bars show WNBA games?

Thanks everyone for these great ideas!

Volunteer opportunities

Hello! I used to volunteer with Meals on Wheels every other week for a couple of hours delivering meals, but that program closed down earlier this month (which is a damned shame, but that's another conversation). I'm looking for another volunteer opportunity where I can put in 2-4 hours per month on a schedule (like two hours every other Tuesday). I already donate blood - what else could I do that is somewhat low impact? I've done tutoring in the past, but it wasn't really for me. Thoughts?

Woodman's is the 6th circle of hell

  1. I'd say 1,000 separate data sets.
  2. I'm looking at systems like Dataverse, Datahub.io, Taylor, etc.
  3. Not yet, but I will during the RFI process. First I need to know who to send the RFI to (or whether an RFI is necessary).
Looking for a low-cost hosted data portalquestion

Hello. Nonprofit here with public and private datasets. We'd love to host a portal to make them available based on user permissions. Looking at CKAN, Taylor, Datahub... what's available at a lower cost for our small org that is somewhat plug and play? Am I asking for too much?

Need headset for conference calling

I am required to have a headset for an upcoming lecture I'm giving via the Web. I'm looking for something reasonable (less than $100) that'll do the trick. Any thoughts? My preference is over the ear, but will buy the best recommended product no matter.

Headset for conference callsHeadphones - Open Back

I am required to have a headset for an upcoming lecture I'm giving via the Web. I'm looking for something reasonable (less than $100) that'll do the trick. Any thoughts? My preference is over the ear, but will buy the best recommended product no matter.


Locally made yarn / hilo de fabricación local

I will be visiting CDMX in a few weeks and would love to buy some locally made yarn. In my web searches, I cannot find any yarn stores in the city that have Mexican-made yarns and am hoping this group can help. There has to be some -- I just can't find them.


Visitaré la CDMX en unas semanas y me encantaría comprar hilo de fabricación local. En mis búsquedas en la web, no puedo encontrar ninguna tienda de lanas en la ciudad que tenga lanas hechas en México y espero que este grupo pueda ayudar. Tiene que haber algunos; simplemente no puedo encontrarlos.

cerveza artesanal en CDMX

My husband and I are visiting CDMX in a few weeks. Are there any bars we should hit that have craft beer, especially from Mexico?


Mi esposo y yo visitaremos la CDMX en unas semanas. ¿Hay algún bar al que debamos ir que tenga cerveza artesanal, especialmente de México?

tiendas de lanas en CDMXPregunta/Question

Busco tiendas de lanas en CDMX que vendan hilo hecho localmente por artesanos mexicanos. ¿Alguien tiene recomendaciones?

I am looking for yarn shops in CDMX that sell locally made yarn from Mexican artisans. Does anyone have recommendations?

Tempeh = awful ?Question

SECOND UPDATE: After steaming and marinating, it tastes SO much better. I don’t know, though, if I want to cook something to make it edible, or just stick with tofu.

UPDATE: I steamed some and then put it a Koreanish marinade. I’ll let you know how it tastes!


Do other people detest tempeh? Or, am I cooking it wrong? It tastes burnt and bitter to me. I’ve pan fried and microwaved it. I tried a flavored version and it was still bad.

Can you help me like tempeh???

High LDLsQuestion

I'm getting all sorts of contradictory advice about how to approach my food consumption because my blood test came back with my LDLs slightly high. Note: I exercise three days per week and am a vegetarian.

I've heard these two pieces of advice that make my head spin:

- Doctor: Go vegan completely

- Coach for a D1 women's basketball team: cut out carbs and sugars completely; ideally go nearly completely meat based.

How can this advice be so completely different?!

HRT & IUDaudited


I've had several IUDs since my 16 yo was born. I'm now 52, still with IUD. I refuse to give it up because I haven't had my period for 16 YEARS and it is awesome. I am currently feeling the effects of menopause in every way, except I don't know if my period has stopped. I don't want to take my IUD out in case it hasn't stopped completely, but I also want HRT to deal with all the crappy symptoms I'm feeling. My doctor is hesitant to give me HRT because we don't know if my period has stopped completely -- and the only way to find out is to take out the IUD. What should I do? Just bite the bullet and remove it? Or, talk to another doc?

Thanks so much, everyone! I’ve taken tons of notes to ask my doctor about!

Just did! Everything looks great!

What’s a pellet?