HeadphoneAdvice: Decisions, Decisions...

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What are the best sturdy wired headphones in the $70-$130 CAD range?Headphones - Closed Back

I started with a pair of cheap wired "gaming" headphones, and they broke within a little over a year. I replaced them with the Corsair HS70 wireless headphones, but after around 2 years, the battery won't hold a charge, and they just broke on the same stress point (see https://imgur.com/a/ZFu9N04). I'm also OK with wireless headphones, but I mostly just use them at my desk, so it's not strictly necessary. Also, I'm hesitant to use wireless ones after the battery completely broke on these pair after just a couple years. I would mostly use them for non-competitive gaming and music, so no need for the virtual surround sound nonsense that most gaming headsets have.

Any suggestions for sturdy headphones, or at least ones that don't have flimsy extenders?

Headphone recommendation for 190$ -Headphones - Closed Back

Hello, you guys probably have seen a question like this thousands of times but i'm gonna ask anyways haha

In my case i've seen people recommending m50x - DT770 - D990 and i for what i've heard the DT770-990 are really flat sounding and the m50x bass makes sound messy?? I would like to have at least a good amount of bass but not that much that its destroys all the sounds in the mix.

I'm not a producer or anything i just like listening to music/playing videogames and i would like to have an upgrade cuz i been wondering why everyone always said that gaming products (audio related) are garbage in general.
PD: I'm currently using Coolermaster MH751
Edit:Don't care if they're open back or closed back.

Do more expensive true wireless headphones mean better quality and sound?Headphones - Wireless/Portable

I'm looking for true wireless earbuds but I've seen a bunch with wide price ranges, any suggestions on which one is best for the price?

Looking for recommendations for headphones for PC gamingHeadphones - Open Back

I’m ready to get rid of this awful Turtle Beach headset and was looking for a good set of headphones for $300 or less. Don’t mind if they are wireless or wired, either works.

Priorities: -Good sound quality for gaming, this is all they will be used for. -Comfortable to wear with glasses. -$300 or less.

Questions: -Should I get a DAC? -Should I get an Amp? -Should I get a sound card to use instead of integrated audio from motherboard?

Thanks in advance!

Thoughts about the Sennheiser Accentum Plus Wireless?Headphones - Wireless/Portable

Was going to buy a bose QC ultra, Then it was too expensive. then going to buy a sony xm4. Also too expensive. but now i landed in the accentum plus wireless. Does it have good bass, sound and tuning? (Plus is the EQ and companion app good?) And for the price of about 223 dollars is it portable and comfortable? and if the case is good. and does it have good On-ear detection? and if it has touch controls plus can it mute music if i speak to someone?

TLDR: is it a good alternative to the QC ultra and XM4? does it have awesome bass, EQ and tuning, plus is build quality good, comfortable, and portable and does it have on-ear detection, touch controls, and detects if i can speak to someone? and can it do it well at that?

Hey guys! What model of wireless headphones should I look towards getting?Headphones - Wireless/Portable

So, I'm headed to college next year, and as a music enthusiast, I want some nice headphones that I can use for hours a day since apparently earbuds aren't good for having in your ears too much. After extensive research, I saw that Sony XM4, Sennheiser Momentum 4 and Bose QuietComfort were all good, but if there's any other or if there's one in particular that's the best please let me know!!

My priorities:

  1. SOUND QUALITY!! I love listening to music especially when I can hear the instrumentals clear and crisp, and a lot of the songs I listen to have phenomenal production
  2. Comfort to wear: If I wear headphones for a long time I want to make sure they don't feel too tight or stiff or anything
  3. Noise cancelling. This isn't the biggest deal for me but in the cafeteria, public places or buses/trains I'd like to block out a majority of noise.
  4. Battery Life
  5. General connection things and having few errors with that

EDIT: forgot to include budget, lol. I think anything under 400 should work, and I would mostly prefer 100-300, so I have a wide range of options.

Best Alternative For WH-1000XM5'S?Headphones - Wireless/Portable

Hello Guys and gals, hope you're all doing good. So I was just casually listening to music and the hinge/ right swivel broke on the XM5's, i looked it up and i found many other people also have the same problem and i can't even claim warranty on it. I had the XM3's before,best pair of headphones i ever owned but now i think i wanna try something except Sony,used their headphones all my life. Could you guys please recommend me some headphones in the same price range? I was looking at the QC Ultras, what are your thoughts? Thanks in advance

Looking for closed back headphones - replacement for Sony XM4Headphones - Closed Back

Hi all,

Looking for an upgrade from my Sony WH-XM4. I have been having issues with the app - settings being reset on maybe phone reboot, notification guide not working. The microphone isn't the best either

Budget - < $350 (and will sell the XM4s)

Source/Amp - Bluetooth to Android and computer

How the gear will be used - Everywhere, home, the office, I do a good amount of traveling (so used at the airport, on the plane, while out and about), gaming so closed is ideal

Preferred tonal balance - Probably balanced

Preferred music genre(s) - Rock - Led Zeppelin, Queen, The Killers, The Who, Fleetwood Mac, Eagles, Pink Floyd

Past gear experience - Sony XM4, Sennheiser 598Cs (not that clear while on airplanes)

Any suggestions would help!

Budget IEM for guitar "headphone amp"Headphones - IEM/Earbud

Hi. I'm not an audiophile, but I enjoy quality sound. I used over-the-ear headphones pretty much all my life, avoiding in-ear and buds because I remember a day when they were synonymous with discomfort and weak low end. I recently acquired a set of KZ IEMs, and I was surprised at the possibilities these things posses. I won't say they're high quality, but at the low price point, I can tell there have been a lot of improvement in the technology over the years (showing my age yet?). I ended up buying a set of CCAs (ND 001) from Aliexpress, and I love them. At around $50, they are perfect for my Shanling M3U DAP to playback my flac and MQA collection.

I'm a guitar player of 30 years (off-and-on). A while ago, I picked up a Fender Mustang Micro "headphone" amp, and I enjoy using it far more with IEMs than I ever did with over-the-ear cans. In fact, I never really enjoyed the amp (thinking it to be the source of the disappointment) until using these ND 001s.

Given how much a good headset changed the experience for me, I'm curious as to what to look for in a set of IEMs to dedicate to my solo jam and practice sessions. I'm not yet recording, producing, or mixing anything; just noodling alone in my room through my Fender Mustang Micro. Sometimes, I'll pipe in backing tracks over Bluetooth.

I have a set of CCA (ND) DD3 (which ironically have a guitar stamped on them whilst being terrible for that purpose) for contrast as well as the hybrid driver KZ ZSN Pro X. I can definitely hear the superior sound of the 001s. When I'm ready for a dedicated set for my guitar, what should I look for on a similar budget? I'm located in the US, and I mostly play clean sounds through a humm-buckers (tapped coil), middle and bridge positions, with a touch of flange and delay when called for. I go for Blues-Rock/Psychdelia/Country-Folk sounds but need to support low end crunch and lead sustain, though less often. The guitar (Nighthawk) has a Strat-like bell tone.

Are the Beyerdynamic MMX 100s still good in 2024?Headphones - Closed Back

I’m looking to buy a new headset for gaming. I was looking at these and I’ve seen some good and bad reviews.

I’m looking for something under $100 that has a good noise cancelation mic and has a closed back. I’m looking for a noice cancelling mic because I play video games in my basement and there’s a lot of background noise. I’m also looking for a headset with decent bass, because I don’t want things to sound flat.

Would this be a good headset to invest in? If not, any recommendations?

Wireless IEM for travelHeadphones - Wireless/Portable

Im looking for wireless IEMs for traveling and general outdoors stuff

I DON'T want "truly"/"true" wireless IEMs because I feel like I will just end up losing one and It would be nice if they're wired together somehow, so I can for example drop one, or even both, bud(s) when talking to a ticket inspector on the train.

I live in the Nordic countries so my selection might be slimmer. Budget is 130 EUR

USB C headphones for taking calls (android)Headphones - IEM/Earbud

I am looking at purchasing a pair of USB C wired headphones for my google pixel. Does anyone know if the apple branded USB C headphones will work? Otherwise, does anyone have recommendations for USB C headphones for a similar price? I am not looking for audiophile perfection, just something to take phone calls with.

Bass music production/mixingHeadphones - Closed Back

Looking for the best headphones for quality of bass music production and mixing.

Hoping to not spend a fortune but my maximum budget is around $500.

Any suggestions of where to start?

Would prefer a closed back with more sound isolation etc but open to an open back as well.

Recommend me wireless earbuds under $200Headphones - IEM/Earbud

Hello! I have had the original AirPods for many years now and I need to replace them.

I have an iPhone and Windows PC. I care most about:

1) Battery life 2) Connectivity (going from 1 bud to 2, detecting ear, etc) 3) Sound quality

Im not sure how I feel about noise cancelling, it just sounds like humming in my ears more than anything but I am open to more opinions.

My budget is around $200 but could consider more expensive buds if around that.

Thank you!

Best closed headphones for $1500?Headphones - Closed Back

I am still trying to find fabulous closed headphones coming from Oppo PM-3 with HA-2 DAC/Amp. What are the best headphones I can get for my budget?

PC38x vs IEMsHeadphones - IEM/Earbud

After doing some research, I had decided to get the PC38x headset for gaming, but then I started seeing some stuff about IEMs, which got me interested. One of the pros of IEMs over the PC38x headset is that I could get a wireless adapter so that I could take them on the go. I've seen some budget options, but I haven't really explored the mid range. Are there any IEMs that would perform similarly or better to the PC38x at the same or similar price point. Right now, I can get the PC38x for 120 USD. Also, if IEMs are the way to go, what recommendations do you have for the wireless adapter? Another plus would be IEMs that have a mic in the cable or would it better to get one of those mics you can attach to the IEM? I know that an external mic is better but I don't really have the space on my desk for one and I just like the convenience of having everything all in one.

Closed-back headphones with a similar sound profile to Sennheiser HD 599 SE?Headphones - Closed Back

Hi there! I'm not super knowledgeable on the specifics of headphones.

I've been using the Sennheiser HD 599 SEs for a little while now, and I love their sound profile. However, I'd like a bit more isolation from surrounding noise, so I'm hoping to shift to closed-back headphones. Does anyone know of a good recommendation that would have a similar sound profile? My budget is about $200 maximum. Thanks!

Upgrade for gaming/general useHeadphones - Wireless/Portable

I am currently running a corsair hs55 wireless headset and I am wanting to upgrade with the price range of 300 USD. Something I can use on my phone and pc (not at the same time) is preferable. I also plan on getting a standalone microphone. I play FPS games such as tarkov so sound and shit like that is quite important to me. Microphone advice is also welcome :D

Switch to on-ear or continue looking for over-ear headphones?Headphones - Closed Back

I lost an earbud, so I wanted to try headphones. I bought Skullcandy headphones then I found a problem I have with over-ear headphones. The cushions hurt under my hears. That doesn't happen with gaming headphones (I've only used turtle beach). I returned those then bought anker soundcore space one headphones. The same issue is there. I don't know if I'm wearing it wrong or if I should switch.

Also, the sound is different than earbuds. Earbuds sound clearer all together and idk if thats common between earbuds and headphones.

My budget is under $100

Replacement for ADV model YHeadphones - Wireless/Portable

Hello. I am shopping around for an ANC pair of headphones, I will evaluate over ear OR in ear options, my only caveat is they have to be comfortable to wear while training or running (amateur boxing) and they have to have a good transparency mode.

I’ve been using ADV model Y headphones for over 5 years now and I love them. They’re tough, they sound great for the price with clear mids and highs and deep lows. They always connect to my phone.

I’ve been experiencing issues with my last pair and am in a financial position to upgrade to something nicer with more perks. I am interested in headphones with great sound clarity and a functional transparency mode. This seems like a happy medium between my open ears (shokz openmove(bad sound but great to just have headphones on)) and my current DD earbuds which have no ANC and behave like ear plugs.

Please give me your suggestions for a serious athlete and laborer, who will also likely use whatever i purchase for light duty music production.

I was interested in both variants of the XM4 headphones but my max price range is about 150-200$

Thank you.

Best bluetooth headphones <$500 for MusicPoll

Looking for the best bluetooth headphones avaialble in terms of music playback. I'm open to buying prior generation models or having limited features as long as they have bluetooth. What do you think?

Beats solo 4 or Sony ULTPoll

Need opinion on which one to get. I want to spoil myself with news ones but confused on which ones. My main thing is comfort I hate anything to feel like it's squeezing my head. On that top I have a small head so not to many do that lol.

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Denon AH-D9200 or Meze Liric 2? Hard choice...Headphones - Closed Back


I've been struggling with a choice for a week now and can't decide between the Denon AH-D9200 or the Meze Liric 2. Unfortunately, I don't have the opportunity to listen to them.

So, I hope someone here has both of these headphones and can share their experience using them.

What I'm looking for: I like the feeling of live music, when it seems like the musicians are really playing the music for you (which I get from Aeon 2 + Mojo 2). I especially love it when the vocals (especially female vocals) give me goosebumps...

My musical preferences include:

Synthwave Classic rock Classical music Game soundtracks (for example, Hitman) Metal

Which of these two headphones would be the best fit?

I hope for your help guys!


Best headphones/ mic combo not super expensiveHeadphones - Closed Back

I got the Razer Kraken 2; its alright but the mic is terrible picking up a lot of static and background noise. I want to get something pretty good. I wanna trying making some YouTube videos and stream just for fun nothing serious. I dont want to spend a huge amount, like bang for buck? The mic is more important and I dont mind using the razer kraken 2 as the headphones but I'd like to get a nicer pair if its not super expensive. Probably willing to spend 100$ maybe to a max of like 200$ but I'm cheap and would like to spend a lot less lol. I dont think headsets are as good but I'd rather buy a headset if their are actually any good ones. I head of IEMS too and they are cheap but i like headphones. Either way mic is more important for me so lmk yall also i prefer the microphone to clip on like the modmic. I could prob adjust to the stand mic if its way better or something

Which headset should I buy?Headphones - Closed Back

After searching for new headset these are ones that popped up the most and that I am considering right now. What I am looking for is mainly durability and build quality. In my country they are around the same price so that is not big factor. If you think there is better option in this price range please write it in the comments. Thank you.

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