Please help me understand what this is... I am dumb and don't know enough.

Yo, that's still a worthy tip. A buck is a buck.

Not really, earthquakes are scary, full stop. When you come from somewhere that has earthquakes on the regular, your first thought is, "How bad is this about to get?".

Also, we regularly had to practice emergency drills for "the big one" which is referring to an expected catastrophic earthquake that we're all waiting for.

I come from Utah, where earthquakes are pretty common. We went through an earthquake that was 5.7 a couple of years ago. I moved to NYC last year. This earthquake was enough to rattle me. Earthquakes are scary no matter how many you've been through. In fact, I'd say they're more scary when you've been through them before because you know how bad they can get.

I'm appalled at how many people on here are shitty about giving your delivery drivers tips. I hope y'all have to work as drivers someday as your second job to put food (from the grocery store) in your fridge, then you'll get it.


Shitbags don't tip, if you order food delivery but don't tip... you're a shitbag.

So much anti-remote work pushes out there

I wouldn't be surprised if we started seeing laws passed to require employees to come into the office to revitalize local economy and keep money in the wallets of the rich getting richer

Help a writer get past paywall


I am a medical writer that is trying to get past a paywall for St. John's studies, does anyone know how to get past the paywall without having login info?

Let me know.




"Let's go!!" Watch the music video Let's Go by Stuck in Sound, which essentially about this.

I'm interested to know what happened with you. We had a similar thing happen in New York. Our unit was robbed, along with dozens of other units on our floor. The robber used a crow bar to bend all the doors open and then robbed the units. When the facility discovered this, they just bent the door back and called it a day. We were never notified of the robbery. We lost $3500 of stuff and management did nothing more than shrug it off. Frankly, we want to sue but am unsure if we'll get anywhere with it.

Good job, you've got this!

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you.

So... this has priority but the housing crisis takes the back burner. I see you, America.

Voice not passingAdvice

What does one do about having an effeminate voice that gives you away as an AFAB when wanting to pass as a man?


Woof. Okay, that's enough internet for today. Thx

Unpopular opinion, this is probably the lengths this family has been pushed to in order to put food in the fridge. Do you think this mom wants to shoplift, or if she had the means to just pay for groceries she would without worrying about getting arrested while getting food for her kids.

GRACE!!! She died 40 years ago.