Antiwork: Unemployment for all, not just the rich!

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I recorded my manager lying, and she’s now saying she can take me to court.Psycho Boss

I recorded a conversation off the clock (in the store) with my GM and she just messaged me saying she can take me to court and threatening to do so if I expose what she was doing. I live in North Carolina, she’s wrong I’m damn near certain, could this be fact checked somehow?

Boss won’t let me take my blazer off.. ASSHOLE

Employee handbook says tattoos are fine unless inappropriate. None of the tattoos I have are inappropriate. It is 27c (80f), I am hot. This buildings AC sucks. All my coworkers have their blazers off, but the second I took mine off, my boss told me to put it back on as I have tattoos.

I explained to him that I am very hot.. he puts a mini fan on my desk.

So done with this place.

Does everyone here actually hate their job?

It just seems crazy that everyone on Reddit absolutely hates their job. Dreads it every morning and it's torment to just to work. Then coming home you have no energy at all, or on the weekend. So much so it severely damages your mental health.

Especially jobs that require a college education (which I would think a big portion of Reddit probably has) where got to pick your own major and your field of work to an extent. Why would you pick a major & field you now hate?

I myself am going to college to become a nurse. I know it's not going to be easy but I don't see myself hating it and dreading every day I have to go in. Am I missing something?

Can my employer tell me I’m not allowed to accept tips?Question

I’m not 100% sure what the right sub for this is, so I’m posting here.

I am a Starbucks barista, but I am employed by a grocery store chain. We have a Starbucks kiosk inside the grocery store and all baristas are employed by the grocery store, not Starbucks. As a result of this, we face a lot of restrictions such as no mobile ordering, no free drinks, and no tips.

If a customer doesn’t take their change or insists on giving us a tip, we are told to put it in a separate section of the cash drawer to use to “pay it forward” to another customer if they don’t have the change or something. There have been a few times I took the tip anyway but I know we aren’t allowed to.

I am in PA. Feel free to lock thread if this isn’t the right sub.

EDIT: Looking like this is fully legal, albeit dumb. I’m not really too bent out of shape about it one way or the other because this is just a college job, but I could not rest without figuring out what the specific rules are.

Ever just walked out on a job mid-shift?

Something recently reminded me of the one time I ever walked out on a job.

To paint the picture, it was about the end of November 2023 and I was working at a rather popular Italian place. Place was the busiest I've ever seen, even after working both Easter and Thankgiving. They put me on Dishwasher duty alone, usually a two man job on busier nights since the pans used for all the pasta needs to be handwashed a bit before going though the steam washer.

To say I was overwhelmed would be to horribly understate it. It took every second I had to just keep regular plates and bowls going into the washer, so no time at all to spend scrubbing pans. Despite that, when pans ran out what happened? I was yelled at and called useless for not being able to handle a two or maybe even three man job solo.

Just said I quit that night and walked out. Was a wreak emotionally but I don't regret it since that place gaslit me about my poor mental health more then once beforehand.

"The only reason you can miss work is if you have a kid"

I'm in the middle of a really unpleasant situation at my job and wondering if anyone has any advice or words of encouragement.

The issues here started long before this but everything really kicked off last week when I was written up for being out for 2 shifts the week prior. I had strep throat and provided an excuse from my doctor, according to company policy. I have a very good attendance record. At first they claimed that no attendance policy existed and it was all up to discretion to which I printed and presented the company policy which is readily available via our Microsoft SharePoint. They had also cited me for 1 day which was approved PTO and another which I was able to prove that I worked. On-site HR refuses to speak to me about any of this and has been attempting to ignore it entirely, so last night I composed a lengthy email which contained all of my requests (that they ammend my attendance record to be accurate, provide me with a written ADA exemption for my disability, clarify attendance policy and expectations and explain to me why I'm being punished for the same actions others get away with on a constant basis) and sent it to our on-site HR, corporate HR and both supervisors present during my disciplinary meeting.

Today, when I arrived for my shift, I was demoted by my supervisor. When I asked why, I was told that it was due to my actions and that the only reason that exists to miss work without getting disciplinary action "is if you have a child". I do not have a child; I am in fact, infertile. I was under the impression that Family Status was a protected class in my state, but it seems it may only be in housing situations. My supervisor refused to elaborate in any way, stated to me that i "should've let this go", "just taken the write up and moved on". He stood up and left the room while I was speaking, effectively ending the meeting and refusing to engage any further.

I don't know how to handle this anymore. My supervisor was extremely hostile towards me during our meeting today. I work a night shift and do not see any upper management or office staff due to my start time. I've been documenting absolutely everything including recording the audio from all the meetings I have here (one party consent state) and I have 2 job interviews on Monday, but I don't know if there's more I can do or if i should even be as upset about this situation as I am. There are SO many details I've left out for sake of brevity. Any advice as to how to conduct myself beyond "document everything" and "follow policy to the letter" is welcomed.

Thanks for reading.
