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Success and Disappointment Megathread for the WeekWeekly Megathread

This is the weekly success and disappointment Megathread for the week. Please post all of your successes and disappointments for this week, including job offers and other victories, as well as any venting of frustration, in this thread, and this thread only. Thanks!

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Success and Disappointment Megathread for the WeekWeekly Megathread

This is the weekly success and disappointment Megathread for the week. Please post all of your successes and disappointments for this week, including job offers and other victories, as well as any venting of frustration, in this thread, and this thread only. Thanks!

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My job hired me but there’s literally nothing to doOnboarding

I (22F) got hired to be an assistant teacher at a private preschool. I went to the interview and Immediately got hired on the spot. They didn’t ask me any questions about my previous jobs, nothing. I went in on my first day thinking i was going to be put in one classroom and stay in one classroom. Turns out I got an email saying I’m a “floater assistant” from now until they find me a classroom to stay at permanently. I’m constantly being pulled around from classroom to classroom today I’ve been in three different classrooms. They all already have two assistant teachers and one teacher, good enough right? Why do you need me to sit around and do nothing while the other assistants do most of the things. This job is making me feel useless. I sit around and help with the kids but most of the kids are mostly well behaved so there’s nothing to do but watch them. Do you really need four pairs of eyes looking at 13 children?. I don’t understand why she hired me in the first place.

Employer is refusing to send me an offer letter. Tells me to come there instead.Applications

I applied for a blue-collar job in a different part of the country (4 hour flight), and the employer is saying they can hire me for it.

However they are not sending me an offer letter right now. I asked for it and they Instead told me " Just come here and we can get you started right away! ".

What complicates this even more is that I have a current job which I have to resign from. Plus there's the cost of moving. I don't want to forfeit my current flat and job only to get there and have them tell me " oh sorry we can't take you on, there's been a change ".

Why would someone refuse to send an offer letter!?

Did you get the job and realise it's awful,Discipline

I recently found out my job at company A is in danger, and I quickly started looking for another one, and among many interviewed with a company B. I've been interviewing for 4 months already without success. A month after the interview with company B, on the day I found out I'm going to be laid off, company B called and offered me a job.

Due to the situation at the time, I didn't find it suspicious that they wanted me after only 1 interview, and I accepted it, also knowing how bad the market is right now. Unfortunately, company B is not good, and I don't see myself there, which is causing me a lot of anxiety and feeling of failure. I got to the point where I would wake up crying and panicking for having to deal with this situation again.

What I'm trying to get is some advice on how to deal with this, how to get a different mindset and some discipline? I'm seeing so many people here applying for months and struggling to make ends meet.

Am I spoiled and ungrateful? Has anyone been in a similar situation?

I’m so done working, time to quit Article

33 and so tired of working! I worked at this stressful high level corporate job for over 5 years and it’s aged me like no other. Made me feel anxious, depressed, and fat, I gained 50lbs over 5 years and it has strip my bubbly youth personality away completely. By next year Jan, I’m quitting, I don’t care if I make 100k a year anymore. I’m renting out my condo and moving home to my parents home in the boonies and live life away from the city & corporate world for a couple of months!

anyone else physically exhausted & motivationless from unemployment or just me?Onboarding

it’s been 6 months lol i almost want to give up but obviously i can’t do that! haha. how can doing nothing make you sooo tired…

I just don’t understand why I wasn’t accepted for this position.Rejections

I am going to omit alot of information just in case I get identified.

I applied for a major automotive brand product specialist & shuttle position for a major baseball event. I had years of experience, I am well informed on said brand vehicles. I have sales experience and great customer service skills and I love meeting new people. But after that I am just not so sure anymore. (Guess that wasn’t enough) Everyone I ever worked with said good things about me. At least I hope.

Not even 5 minutes into the interview I could already tell he wasn’t interested in me. Tried to end the interview by saying do you have any more questions for me… I thought that was a trick question considering he hasn’t even explained the position to me. Even though I already knew everything I’ll be doing. I don’t think I was rude or anything?!?!?! Just really confused about this.

Today I woke up and told me he is moving forward with other candidates. I literally wanted to cry because this is my dream job & I have no job and I am struggling everyday to make money.

I just quit my job, any advice?Leaving a job

I'm 23, almost 24, and I have a Bachelor's degree. I was contacted over a year ago by a land company who trained me to do title searching. Turns out, I'm absolutely terrible at it, but the pay was great for my very first job at $20/hr. Benefits were great, etc. But it was so stressful on me, again, since I wasn't good at it and got constantly chewed out for doing a bad job, and I just sorta ended up spiraling. So, this weekend, I decided to quit. It was a long time coming, really. My last day is Wednesday, and I don't have another job lined up yet. I have to constantly apply for jobs if I want to draw unemployment, which isn't a problem, but it still worries me. I'm lucky I live with family who are willing to help me out until I get another job, but trying to find another job that pays what I'm worth and that's in the area of my expertise (history, archives, museum, etc) is almost impossible.

I've been looking at government jobs, since they tend to have good benefits and such, but the pay isn't nearly what I'm worth.

If anyone has any suggestions on making a bit of money while I'm in between jobs, or on looking for jobs, or...anything else, really, I'd appreciate it.

My new younger manager: "I work hard and miss my kid's soccer games all the time for work - and I expect the same from everyone on my team"Work/Life balance

Recently me and my co-worker were casually chatting with our new manager (from a re-org) about our work habits. Just for context, i am a GenX male, my co-worker is a GenX female, and our manager is a Millennial female. There are two other people on our team who were not there that day, a GenZ male, and another Millennial female. So we are a pretty good mix of ages and experiences. We also don't have any of those stupid boomer vs millennial stereotypes with each other that the media is always trying to divide us with.... in our case all four of us GenZ/Millennial/GenX totally agree with each other that it doesn't pay to kill yourself for your employer, and none of us are willing to do it. We do our jobs and go home at the end of the day, and that's that..... as it should be. Well with one exception.... our new manager lol.

So I mentioned that after working in the banking/finance industry as well as the tech industry and seeing enough layoffs/downsizing/re-org's/etc over the years, and worse seeing co-workers lives basically financially ruined because they were totally caught off guard, I was not willing to give up work/life balance or sacrifice personal time for employers who at the end of the day see me as nothing more than a line item on the liability side of the balance sheet that is subject to disposal at any time for any reason regardless of how hard i work or how loyal I am - they could really care less.

Her response? "Well I work hard and do whatever it takes to get the job done....I miss my kid's soccer games all the time due to work - and I expect the same from everyone on my team". (she has two girls 11-13'ish age). I almost choked on my water at that comment, and the look on my co-workers face was a mix of shock and disbelief, it was actually quite comical. She says to our manager "Well I have kids too and I would never forgive myself if I missed too many of their important events in life". Our manager basically just shrugged, got up and said "oh well.... nice chatting with you both I am off to a meeting!". And walked off. Lol, well alrighty then.... byebye!

I don't know what she thinks is going to happen with her comment about expecting all of us to work like she does, but she is going to get a lot of push back if she thinks she's just going to snap her fingers and expect us to jump though hoops and work long hours just because she says so.

Honestly I don't care how old someone is or if they want to work themselves to death for their employer - by all means do whatever you want. But don't expect me to do the same. Like WHY do people do this????

Caught up with a former coworkerCompanies

I was in the check out lane when I spotted a former coworker. Now, I originally quit the job because of wage theft. However, I was going to quit in a few weeks regardless since I was in agony from the overwork. However, I thought that the hour reduction would had stopped at least since it was more than satisfied the 50 hour reduction when a manager and I quit. I mean.....who would be stupid enough to reduce staff at a overworked resturant in the summer?

Nope. Even after all that, they imposed more reduction.

I really dodged a bullet there.

I’m so terrified to quit with no notice (planning on doing it Wed afternoon)Leaving a job

I haven’t been at this job very long, unfortunately, but there are several issues I’m having with it.

I am getting so scared because I plan on quitting giving day before/ of notice on the fourth of july and taking my laptop in the day before and then sending an email saying I’m done.

I have emailed a job before and quit very early into the job. I have also walked in and had an awkward yet necessary day-of quitting conversation with a nice, young manager.

My current manager usually is nasty and unapproachable, but when she has vacation coming up she feigns niceness, as if we are to forget all the times she verbally belittled us in front of the whole team previously when things were stressful. As a result, I cannot have an in-person conversation with her. I am shaking now thinking of her finding the email and becoming nasty and petty as a result.

I hope I am making the right decision. I’m terrified if I email her she will try calling me and harassing me or worse or she will tell them not to pay me or something.

1.5 more days til go time… and I’m worried I’ll ruin her Fourth 😬😔

Constantly rejected. Where on earth do i look for work as a teenage girl??Job searching

I'm a 17-year-old girl, not surprisingly, my resume is shit. I was a waitress for 2 years during high school. that's it. That's all I have in terms of work experience. I got bullied out of high school 3 months ago, so I started looking for work ever since. I guess my question is simply, who would want to hire me? Where should I look?

I don't want to work in another cafe because I want my resume to have some variety and I don't want to get stuck in hospitality for another few years, but I am not ruling it out. I just feel so tired. I don't even get rejected, I just get ghosted by everything I apply for. I'm mostly applying for entry-level receptionist jobs or retail assistants, but no luck. I got one offer from a hotel but because of my age, they only offered $15 an hour, which I couldn't accept due to fuel and food prices.

I live in a near-dead small country town with an extremely poor job market, even with surrounding towns. I know I'm not qualified in anything but I'm a bright, driven young woman and frankly, I feel like maybe my fate is to end up at McDonald's. Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you for reading!

I received a job offer but have been ghosted for over a month. Onboarding

Hi everyone,

I interviewed for a job with the state as a student assistant and was essentially hired on the spot. The manager (let’s call her Reyna) loved me and was super ecstatic about hiring me. Fast forward a week and I get a call confirming my hiring, pay, etc. and she even told me I was the first student assistant she reached out to to hire (because apparently I was liked so much). Note that there was no offer letter or email, just a verbal confirmation.

I then complete my onboarding and paperwork and am set to start working. That was over a month ago and I have since been ghosted, ignored, left on read, etc. I have sent email, countless calls, even text messages to have no response. My start date according to Reyna was May 31st but she had been ignoring me since that voicemail.

I reached out to HR and they practically forced her to respond to me by contacting her managers. I am set to start working next week now but I have a question.

Would it be possible for me to somehow get compensated for the hours I missed? I missed out on them for no reason and as a broke college student I’m way behind on rent. I don’t care if I have to go through a lawyer, I’m just confused and want some form of payment for the time I should have been working (40 hours a week).

Tough situation for my unemployed buddyCareer development

So long story short here are the details

  • 24yr old
  • Smokes a lot of weed
  • Doesn't want to drive
  • No High school diploma or GED
  • Can't do any social interaction (Anything more than 1 person)
  • Can't do hard labor
  • Never has had a job
  • Extreme anxiety and Extreme health issues
  • Very unreliable transport

Everything I've thrown his way has been messed up one way or another (He isn't a bad person or bum just has LOT of limitations)

Can anyone give me any ideas for him. I suggested a UPS package handler, Post office clerk, help desk for a phone line but all of those require social interaction and he CANNOT do that.

Any help??

EDIT: He lives with his UNEMPLOYED mom and UNEMPLOYED brother and live off of food stamps and what little they get from their UNEMPLOYED grandmas social security check.

Is it okay to give fake address near the company in job application if I'm going to relocate whatsoever? Applications

I'm a recent graduate foreigner in the US whose been looking for my first job. I've been applying to more than 100 of jobs but have yet to hear anything back so I'm starting to wonder if companies would auto filter out candidates that are not close to the working location? Is it okay to put down an address that's close to the job position and move there afterwards since I don't have a permanent place?

Am I being overly confident or they are giving me false hope?Rejections

I did an internship for this company for 12 months and after they offered me a contract which I rejected politely because I had a prep-course coming. During the period of the course we kept in touch with each other, the hiring manager, my previous manager, and even the director himself (like we hangout lol) and they kept asking me to return to the company until last week. So yesterday I got accepted to my second master's for a specialization and I asked them if it's possible to do an apprenticeship at the company since it's cohesive with the degree and upcoming thesis. But then they said that they are not hiring at the moment like you guys just asked me 4 days ago if I want to go back and work for them. Just an hour ago, I saw them posting for a position on linkedin, I am so confused

Written Warning - total shockDiscipline

So I started at my job about 3 months ago and I manage roughly 10 people and have other departments that I work with. Last week out of the blue my manager asked for a meeting in less than 24 hours and it turns out to be a 90 review/written warning. This was a complete and total shock. My feedback so far from my manager has been mostly positive with little feedback on how i can improve….. i took the weekend and tried to wrap my head around this because it just doesn’t make sense, everything written on this warning is fabricated and expectations that were never provided to me in the three months on the job. The only thing that happened recently was a co-worker of mine was upset that i asked them to do something. This co-workers responded to emails very unprofessionally so I notified her manager (my boss.) My boss said she would deal with it but I wonder if their meeting something was discussed and now Im being targeted in some way… I also found out my CEO (who sits 100 feet away from my desk) is homophobic… I’m worried and don’t know what to do…. I’ve been sitting with this feeling that there is a target on me now and I’m honestly so anxious to go back to work this week.

Any ideas on what i should do at this point? Do i get HR involved? Do i not? Document the crap out of everything? Record conversations?

Worked at a pizza place as a driver for 2 weeks. It was run by a dysfunctional family that wouldn’t stop arguing.Leaving a job

Am I overreacting for leaving? I liked the work itself I just couldn’t stand the high pressure environment. I understand that it’s expected to be like that in places like this but is every pizza joint like that?

Boss is Going Through HellOffice relations

As the title says, my boss is going through hell in her home life, but I'm left in a tough spot.

I started at a university in the middle of April this year. So, I've only been working here for a little less than 3 months.

Some context, I am the only assistant manager to my boss. We work together closely, but she has a lot of things that are specific tasks to her, billing, deposits, our ordering system, etc. They're things I haven't been formally trained on, but have had to learn because of the circumstances I'll state next.

She's taken a lot of time off in those 3 months Ive worked here. Her father passed away, so there was a week and a half gone, she took another week and a half after that with vacation time, now her mother's cancer is back and she's off again on medical leave for who knows how long.

I don't envy what she's going through and I feel she deserves every minute of that time, plus some. However, because of all of this, I've been stuck doing both of our jobs. Over half my time working here has been dping both of our jobs and I'm getting burned out already.

I plan on speaking with her boss tomorrow to discuss things as I can't keep doing this with no help. I don't believe it's fair and I also believe I'm due for some sort of compensation to make up for it.

Again, I understand it's not my bosses fault, nor do I expect her to show up to work with all of that going on.

Am I wrong to ask for a bonus, any type of compensation, extra time off? I hate to want to piggyback off of her being gone for family emergencies, but somethings got to give. Any advice is welcome.

What jobs could i do ? Job searching

Unfit for any job, i studied till 12th than did makeup but there are no particular jobs where people hire person for only Makeup. In salon work you need to do everything groom+ makeup+hair etc which i dont know. I am ok with minimal pay and any work which doent require much strength & education. Bad in calculation, dont know stitching ( probably grown in a fam where i never worked ) good with PR& marketing but that requires degree. Dont want to do freelancing or business which required lot of efforts and brain. even for waiters education is required + experience!!
Any suggestions?

What jobs can I get if I have a CS degree and bad work experience?Job searching

I’m 27 and graduated with a CS degree about 7 months ago (it’ll be 7 months 15 days from now). I didn’t take up any internships and I don’t have work experience in tech. I also don’t have an impressive portfolio of projects, which is making my job search exceedingly difficult. My resume only consists of software projects I’ve done. This obviously isn’t enough for this field because I haven’t landed a single job interview yet.

My current work history is rather poor. I haven’t had a job in 4 years as I didn’t work while in school. Before then, I only had two jobs with one in a restaurant and the other in a grocery store. With my employment gap and the type of work I’ve done before, I can’t figure out a way to put a resume together for anything else. I just have a STEM degree and no means to use my education. It feels like I’m only capable of applying to jobs that don’t require a resume submission.

I’ve applied to several federal government job listings on the USAJobs website where I could use my education to qualify. I currently qualify for the GS-7 grade because I’m within the two-year range for “recent graduate” status, and I meet the “Superior Academic Achievement” as I posses a 4.0 GPA. I was actually referred on one of the jobs I applied to because of this, so I know for a fact I meet that criteria. However, I’m not sure what else I can apply for outside of government work. I’ve been applying for jobs through the Pathways program, specifically with the IRS. I just have no idea if it’s even possible for me to get selected for that kind of work.

In recent months, I’ve been feeling stuck and have fallen into a pit of depression. I haven’t really applied much at all. My depression is making it hard for me to not just give up and go about my life as if I never went to school. I mentioned the other day to my parents about applying to work at McDonald’s. I said how I’m not sure what I’ll do with a job like that because it certainly will not give me the experience I need. They seemed disappointed and said how I am going about this entire job search the wrong way. They said people with STEM degrees don’t work at McDonald’s without a plan. However, what else am I supposed to do if all I really have is a degree and nothing else to put a resume together?