When using the mop bucket, in order to ring the wet mop you must lift it towards the ringer, which means the mop handle can sometimes poke the ceiling if you aren’t careful.

Why are you grinding multiple lines at once? I counted 9 unfinished lines… that would be at least 3 unlocked X if you stuck to them.

Not a doctor but i do recommend tapering since you have been on propranolol for over a year and some sites say anything over 3 months might require tapering , Probably try lowering to 15mg for 1-2 weeks then 10mg for 1-2 weeks and so on. I was only on it for a month and decided the side effects weren’t worth it so i quit using it and had no withdrawal or side effects when coming off 40mg daily. You can also check out the r/anxiety sub reddit for more info there is a lot of posts about propranolol. Hope this helps.

try some sour candy :) takes your mind off any worries or heart palpitations for a couple seconds and it’ll usually settle down further, cementing that its just anxiety nothing more. hope this helps.

wow i have this too (nothing severe just the visual symptoms) It doesn’t feel weird or hurt i just thought thats how my hands were naturally? I joke about how they look like the stuffing of a pizza roll lol.

Im so sorry to hear this, i went through something similar but was anxiety-induced from a drug withdrawal i went through recently, stomach/digestive issues, raised blood pressure, elevated heart rate, and it hit worse at night, my body would basically jolt + elevated heart rate, every time i was drifting to sleep but i would eventually knock out. It was a scary feeling knowing i couldn’t sleep without medication unless i exhausted my body. I only averaged 1-2 hours of sleep the first 2 weeks. Also about the propranolol it is very effective if you have a heightened adrenaline spike or constant feeling of fight or flight. but it can also potentially block the rise of melatonin at night, I personally wasn’t affected by this but it is entirely possible in certain beta blockers. Just something to look out for. This sounds very surreal and scary, hope you find an answer quick.

yeah my sleep has been basically non existent for the greater part of last month, but its getting better.

What do these readings say about me?

My mother is a nurse so she has been recently checking my blood pressure in the morning and before bed, Mornings - 120/70 avg Evenings- 113/60 avg

However during work - 135/83 is this normal/safe? because it is technically high blood pressure. I am also currently going through a drug withdrawal so anxiety is through the roof.

The best thing i did for my substance abuse was telling my mother about it.

hey man good to hear you managed everything out kudos.

Layperson/not verified as healthcare professional

Thank you for the clarification. <3

Doctor said i can cold turkey Propranolol Physician Responded

20m 5’7 148lbs

Doctor prescribed propranolol 20mg x2 daily exactly 25 days ago to help with anxiety induced symptoms from a drug withdrawal, like elevated blood pressure and heart rate, I want to stop taking it because I think my brain is doing a lot better and mainly because of side effects i am 95% sure are from the Propranolol. Doctor said i don’t need to “ween” off of it despite many medical sites saying it can lead to bad withdrawal.

I have since lowered the dose to 10mg a day the past 3 days with no ill effect, because my doctor advised i could lower the dose amount if i felt 40mg was too much.

Am i overthinking this? Any advice helps.

Im 30 days in and have felt it 3 times since i quit, the most recent one being about 3 days ago. Kind of scary because i’m taking longer than usual to get detoxed, but take it as a good sign that your body is ridding the excess THC. Good job.

What is going on with mensfwMedication
What is going on with me

20M 147lbs 5’7 Heart rate today - about 75bpm Blood pressure today - 120/70 Somewhat balanced diet

no prior health conditions or extremities

Quit cannabis on march 29

elevated heart rate and blood pressure ever since but is getting better (rather slowly)

Doctor prescribed Quetiapine Furamate 50mg x2 daily for my anxiety but quit taking it after 2 days for side effects (this was 2.5 weeks ago)

Doctor prescribed Propranolol 20mg x2 daily for elevated heart rate and blood pressure Have since used it for 3 weeks

Fast forward to 2 days ago i woke up to my left arm numb and red in certain spots, witj my blanket pattern pressed onto my skin, concluded that i slept on it. Im pretty sure ive slept on my arms before but has never been this severe. so I assume it’s because of the propranolol.

Yesterday just cold feet after work.

Today i woke up to see some of my feet veins were slightly purple and red skin in certain areas. And my right pinky toe was numb. Went away with some walking.

Tonight i took half my dose instead and still feel my feet are cold and get red skin in certain spots when i sit for too long.

This is the first time i’m experiencing this “lack of circulation”

Could this be a side effect of propranolol? (although i haven’t read anything about numbness only cold feet/hands) I have read that Propranolol can cause raynauds like symptoms.

Could this be an issue with my heart?

Other symptoms Random chest pain that goes away quickly (likely due to anxiety)

Stomach/rib pain that comes and goes but worsens at night (likely due to anxiety)

Possible Acid reflux issues like heart burn (likely due to anxiety)

Earlier i had a sting pain in my left side of chest when i inhaled too deeply and when i bent down, they have since gone away. (not sure what caused this, probably heart burn?)

Are these signs that i should lower/stop taking Propranolol? Are these signs of a heart condition i developed while on Propranolol?

Anything helps and thanks in advance.

Edit: extra info, info correction

What is going on with me

20M 147lbs 5’7 Heart rate today - about 75bpm Blood pressure today - 120/70 Somewhat balanced diet

no prior health conditions or extremities

Quit cannabis on march 29

elevated heart rate and blood pressure ever since but is getting better (rather slowly)

Doctor prescribed Quetiapine Furamate 50mg x2 daily for my anxiety but quit taking it after 2 days for side effects (this was 2.5 weeks ago)

Doctor prescribed Propranolol 20mg x2 daily for elevated heart rate and blood pressure Have since used it for 3 weeks

Fast forward to 2 days ago i woke up to my left arm numb and red in certain spots, witj my blanket pattern pressed onto my skin, concluded that i slept on it. Im pretty sure ive slept on my arms before but has never been this severe. so I assume it’s because of the propranolol.

Yesterday just cold feet after work.

Today i woke up to see some of my feet veins were slightly purple and red skin in certain areas. And my right pinky toe was numb. Went away with some walking.

Tonight i took half my dose instead and still feel my feet are cold and get red skin in certain spots when i sit for too long.

This is the first time i’m experiencing this “lack of circulation”

Could this be a side effect of propranolol? (although i haven’t read anything about numbness only cold feet/hands) I have read that Propranolol can cause raynauds like symptoms.

Could this be an issue with my heart?

Other symptoms Random chest pain that goes away quickly (likely due to anxiety)

Stomach/rib pain that comes and goes but worsens at night (likely due to anxiety)

Possible Acid reflux issues like heart burn (likely due to anxiety)

Earlier i had a sting pain in my left side of chest when i inhaled too deeply and when i bent down, they have since gone away. (not sure what caused this, probably heart burn?)

Are these signs that i should lower/stop taking Propranolol? Are these signs of a heart condition i developed while on Propranolol?

Anything helps and thanks in advance.

Edit: extra info, info correction