Hi everyone,

I've been on immediate-release propranolol for anxiety and insomnia since May 2019, with my dosage increasing over time due to physical dependence. Currently, I'm at 60-80mg twice a day. I've decided to stop taking it (with my doctor's supervision) because it no longer benefits me, and I'm stuck in a cycle of increasing doses to keep my resting heart rate relatively stable.

My doctor has advised quitting cold turkey, and after a thorough check with a cardiologist, I'm about to take my last dose. I'm looking to hear from those who have stopped propranolol after long-term use:

  1. How did your body adjust after stopping propranolol?
  2. What changes in heart rate did you experience, and did it eventually stabilize?
  3. Did your heart rate return to pre-propranolol levels?
  4. Can you share a timeline of your withdrawal process?
  5. Have you noticed any changes in heart rate variability on/off the medication?

If you have any heart rate data (from Apple Watch, Fitbit, etc.) that you're comfortable sharing, that would be incredibly helpful. I'm trying to understand what I might expect in the coming days and weeks.

Thanks for sharing your experiences!