Nurse is often compensating for Ceci’s dumb decisions. He played way better with Broberg

I mean they appear to be crushing his nuts, but maybe they’re well protected

So an eternal atomic wedgie is legal? What a ridiculous sport.

Not much would change...except further erosion of women's rights, increased destruction of the planet, and a bigger divide between rich and poor. Oh and an idiot dictator in power.

It doesn’t matter who’s in charge, the conservative propaganda industry will attack them full throttle no matter who it is

Yegwave is toxic garbage, and they post a bunch of conservative propaganda too

EDM - NHL :61405:

Elite PK is worth 1.5 mil easy

EDM - NHL :61405:

Yup, he was always scary against us in the playoffs

EDM - NHL :61405:

Well, mcdavids got Hyman. We just need someone to get going with Drai

But they’ll trust random grifter on YouTube tho, cuz he tells them they’re free thinkers

Monkey in Space

Who cares, he’s still a fascist

Rockin Robyn’s is great and not too far. Tons of options downtown if you want to venture there

Cool, but climate change is destroying the planet regardless