Why not just make your own drone built from parts? Who will track one of those things?

“know what they are worth”

The turd that I shat out is worth more than a single mom with 50 tattoos, at least it can fertilize a plant and not be annoying.

Or a camry… that’s not something to boast about.

A nice family restaurant with a play area for small children?Unconfirmed/Unverified

The title. Maybe a ball-pit or a place they can go nuts while mom and dad can relax a bit?

The applicants are people who clicked on the link, they did not necessarily apply to the job.

Shit… that’s evil.

This is why at work I never sit with a closed door with a woman in the same room. Also, I prefer everything as an e-mail or MS Teams message.

This sort of decision should be made when you’re an adult. Doing this for a newborn is evil.

Yes, Sonic, my mistake, not exactly my interest.

Thanks for the links as well!

How to set a kid's watch when I don't have the instructions?

I have a cheap kids watch that my kid loves (it has a pokemon thing on the front, otherwise it's a plain-ass watch) and I don't have the instructions to it to set the time correctly. There are two codes on the back that might tell me what type of watch this is:



I've tried looking online, but couldn't find a nice PDF that would hold my hand a bit so that it shows the date/time correctly.


Rumors from Russia says thar a lot of men came back with military training or were in prison before and it’s not doing them wonders for their crime rate

Your client is a moron. $50 is peanuts and god forbid he slips and falls, the medical bill will be $50 a minute.

Just a really stupid cost to risk calculation. But whatevs…

What if I contact google about it or have a previous (maybe older?) password one me?

How do I get back a Gmail account that I lost?

I had a Gmail account I used for separate tasks. I never linked it to my phone or other e-mail accounts. And then, I lost the account off of my phone about a year ago. I want to get it back. Can this be done?

Fuck, I’m in Massachusetts.

She doesn’t work and I do. How would that hypothetically work?

Dude, while I can? If trumpkin wins, I’m renting a semi and going to Canada and getting this shit in bulk. Something tells me that Canada will get a ton of medical tourism should this project go through in any way

Guys, the best course of action is to check out of the system. Fighting it just unifies the cultists and what you want is to leave the beast alone and let them start fighting each other. Only when things collapse, then do you bother with trying to figure out what’s left and what can be re-used. Aside from that, live your life and ignore this shit.