Wow. My little sister took her life 5 days before ur brother did. She was living with our dad and hung herself in his garage, him and my step mom found her 5 hours after she had died. My dad had been in bed all day sleeping from pain meds bc he has bad blood clots and had just gotten home from the hospital, and my step mom had opened the garage door after getting home from work and that’s when they found her. I’m so, so, so sorry. This is an unbearable pain that I unfortunately can relate to. I’m truly so sorry.

My little sister died 3 months ago and I’m still dealing with a lot of numbness.

Yes, I def relate to this. It’s been 3 months and I’m still scared

My little sister killed herself 3 months ago. I’m still numb a lot of the time, but in those tidal waves of grief that sneak up on me the pain is absolutely surreal and intense. I’m so sorry. Suicide is something I wish none of us were acquainted with.

Edit typo

Thank u! Every time I see someone call Carlo “p” I’m like 😩😩 that’s not P 😩😩

So I’m in endgame now and it hasn’t been impossible! It’s actually been pretty manageable thankfully hahah

I think the “concept album” claim is to cover her ass from the NDA her and dalton had to sign in their divorce agreements

Edit to add: that could explain why the person singing these stories is “peaches” and not Ariana lol it’s like she’s telling her side of the story through a character within a concept album so he can’t say she’s talking about their relationship bc she can turn around and say “no I’m not, it’s a concept album and a character I made up”

This worked thank u so much!!!

I think ur being not dramatic at all gulp

I’m so fucking scared LMAOOOO

I will! 😭 release in 2.5 hours for me! Im so intimidated lmaooo I became such a beast in the base game and I’m ab to have my ass handed to me and I was not prepared for that hahahah I’ll report back!

This is me. I just got through my playthrough to prepare for dlc totally forgetting I was running ng+4 the whole time and I refuse to start over lmaoooo rip me

I’m 32 but I still look like I’m not old enough to buy alcohol lmfao. This post makes me feel weird 💀 like yeah that’s true for some people but it’s not across the board true for everyone in our age group so it just sits weird with me. I think it’s different for everyone, we all age differently

I started this game as a way to cope immediately after my little sister took her life and this part obliterated me

I feel u lmao I’m autistic and I tend to hyper focus on details being accurate and then after the fact I remember some people don’t like that but I never mean any offense or anything 🙏🏼

Lmao I’m just saying but I like ur response 💀

Her hair isn’t platinum at all lol it’s beige blonde. Platinum is like WHITE blonde

Nope they have an eyebrow pencil 😭😭😭😭 LMAOOO I’m shocked she didn’t use it given how much she pushes her line 💀