My name is Nate, I lost my Brother to suicide April 10th of 2024. I knew he was struggling with mental health and alcohol for a few years but my mind didn’t want to see it coming. Unfortunately, that day I didn’t just loose my brother. I lost my parents emotionally as well. They are not mentally capable of handling this situation which has put a lot of stress on myself. They were not even going to have a funeral. I had to push them just to show up to the celebration of life I planned. My bother is an awesome person. He loves me, his wife and his two children more than anything. People call him a coward, saying he took the easy way out. It hurts to hear people speak so poorly about someone they clearly did not know. I believe he did not want to hurt anyone. But he felt so much pain he did not see any other way out. On the morning of the 10th my brother drove to a large bridge in New Hampshire, pulled his car over, got out and jumped off the bridge. That is all I knew for just over three weeks. The beginning of March I got a call from my sister in law that a body was found washed up in a river a town over from where he jumped. It took three awful days before the coroner confirmed it was him. The only comforting part was that the coroner said he hit the water and died instantly. I am now doing my best to live a productive life but I feel so terrible inside all the time. I miss him and think about how terrible he must have felt all the time. It’s so incredibly hard to find the strength to simply function every day.