Discovered it by accident.

about 1 and a half years ago I went to the GP because my implant was reaching the end of its lifespan, which had some unfun side effects which led to me being worried about getting anaemic. I am a biological screw-up and there's a lot wrong with me. So they figured eh let's do all the blood tests. BAM underactive thyroid.
After the GP double and triple-checking and then checking some more ( 8 blood tests ) I got officially diagnosed yesterday, it wasn't a surprise, I have been feeling down mentally and physically for months now.

No idea legally but morally no. It might be better to encourage your co-worker to disclose their disability themselves.

it's a loungefly vulpix mini-backpack was £50 and a family friend said they would look after it for me until I visited America later that year I felt awkward about it, and have regretted not buying it ever since.

I agree the whole thing is weird but then I find matching outfits outside of costume parties and weddings a weird thing to do. It just seems odd that her in-laws don't discuss these things and plans with their own brother.

The weirdest part to me is that they took OP's kid away from both OP and her husband on the child's birthday.

I am wondering if none of this has anything to do with OP and everything to do with her husband. Perhaps he hates the matching outfit thing and his siblings know this.

Same McDonalds chicken nuggets? absolutely fine. Lettuce though... Lettuce will mess me up for days

It would nicely fill my savings to the point where I would be able to put a deposit down on a decent house and still have a healthy emergency fund to cover any urgent breakages like a roof leak or boiler. sensibly.

Or if I am feeling brave it will be enough for me to rent a unit in town get some equipment and start teaching pottery classes on my days off, in the hopes that I can quit my day job by the end of the year (or at least reduce it) and do the pottery full time.

Crab, lobster and chilli.

I have no reason to think I wouldn't like crab or lobster, I just find it off-putting. In the case of chilli, though I have a rather strong intolerance for actual chilli peppers, my digestive system simply wouldn't be able to handle a it. Luckily, I wouldn't say I like spicy food anyway so it's no real loss.

Not in the slightest. Perhaps surprised, but nothing more than that. Fresh injuries would prompt serious concern though.

28 and Vinted 90% of the time. The remaining is split between primark, Quiz, TKmax and everything £5

Not long back I got ID'd by a guy I went to school with it was flattering if not a bit surreal. I haven't changed that much and we were in the same social circles. I was able to convince him that he didn't need my ID without pulling out the photos of us at leavers day on Facebook so that was a win. None of the staff have ever ID'd me there before.

Yes, it's mine. Me, my Sister and my Dad are all dyslexic, extending this further at least one of my nephews is dyslexic, one isn't and the youngest isn't at a diagnosable age.

You haven't done anything wrong and there are a number of dyslexic people I know who excelled academically with the right support so as long as they get their proper accommodations they should be fine as they grow.

I am IBS mixed. Primarily IBS-D but occasionally it flips to IBS-C. Generally chugging 2 cartons of apple juice does the trick. ( apples and apple juice are a massive trigger foods for my IBS-D) It's intensely painful for about 30-40mins but after that, the constipation is clear which saves me hours of pain later.

Now on drugs that keep my whole stomach under a decent amount of control though so haven't had to do that in a while.

The only leaflet I have had this year is from Reform UK. Never heard of them but took one look at the slogan and tossed it. heard nothing from either the Lib Dem or labour candidate, just hoping they put some effort into campaigning soon.

Don't have them, don't want them. My partner keeps mentioning he might get one but I kinda hope not, because we have very different tastes in art and if he follows through with some of his top ideas I would find him considerably less attractive.

Funnily enough cutting off rings is a service we do for free!

There is a small group that gathers near my work. They read each other poems and news articles about the war however they are protesting nowhere near the town hall or council. It all just feels very empty.

I dunno but it's not the first time, it not like she even purchased the watch from us

But I wear it every day, while I garden! yes... That would lead to heavy wear and tear...

I hadn't seen this girl before in my life. Like for actual paying customers I might throw in a little something. Like hey you just spent 1k let me clean your ring for you etc. But never have I walked into somewhere and just expected a service for free