So it's the last week before my final deadline for my last year of University and me and my gf wanted to get 4 meal deals, all with energy drinks in them so we can knuckle down and get work done. At the self checkout we realize for forgot our IDs (I'm 23 she's 21), so we get checked and are refused. Annoying but I get it, you have to look over 25, so whatever, we left without the meal deals. I came back on my own the next day with my passport and grabbed the same meal deals with energy drinks. The same employee as yesterday is helping at the self checkout. I smile and show my ID and tell her I brought it this time. She asks where the girl from yesterday is and I say she's not here she's in the Uni. So she then refuses to sell me the energy drinks... Are you serious. She's in a lecture. I'm here, 23 years old trying to buy age 16 restricted drink and I'm refused because the adult I was with yesterday isn't here... The employee even calls the manager over, who has never even seen my gf, and she also takes her side in this and tells me I cannot be served. I was furious and left empty handed again! I waited outside for 5 minutes and then circled back around and regrabbed the same items and looked for a different till. While waiting in the queue for this till the manager comes over with SECURITY and tells me that I need to LEAVE for trying to attempt a refused sale on another employee. This surely cannot be allowed. This was a couple weeks ago but I've been bitter since.