Omg. I was heading into winter with one silo and wanted another to make sure I had enough hay for my animals. For multiple reasons it was still being built on the last day of fall (do Americans use the word autumn for anything) so failed to gather extra hay. Why didn't I realise I could stash it in a chest? I sold Donald (realise I misgendered) and two chickens. 😭

I was thinking about this the other day as my local store can have as little as two people manning about 20 of them.

When does the expectation of staff by the company become too much and borders on negligence to health and mental wellbeing?

You can't just pile more and more work and stress on to people, there has to be a duty of care to those who work for you. This isn't the 1800's.

I remember being in discussion with an Asda colleague online a few years ago when they rolled out more self service machines. She argued that they'd put a lot more extra ones in her store and they hadn't got rid of any staff so they definitely weren't there to reduce staff numbers 🤣

I replied that they wouldn't go sacking a load of staff in one great swoop as there would be public uproar, they would start reducing hours or as one staff member leaves they might not be replaced.

So, two staff members looking after 20 self serves with a few people in the queue waiting too. Since the rule used to be 3 people queuing at a manned till and another one opens, that'd be about 6 tills on, at least.

Upgrading the watering can early is a good choice, I have it upgraded to gold and I can water a single tile, a strip of 3, a strip of 5 or a 3x3 square. Same goes for the hoe but that's not nearly as essential.

I'm so disappointed the Stagecoach No 99 stopped this year. That used to take an hour. Apparently they lost the park n ride contract in Brid which is why it has stopped. Over 2 hours to Brid is ridiculous imo. They need a faster service during the summer.

Someone showed a vid of the area and terrain he went missing in. It has plenty of thick shrubs closely dotted about so he could easily be hidden by one.

I'd be happy with Brexit if the Government actually had the balls to do what we wanted and to implement a new structure to immigration.

Tell him you are a carer for an elderly relative maybe?

Why does it matter to you, that the info was included.

Management has to authorise the exceptions when it comes to clocking it early or late so they're not doing that. I wouldn't expect them to tbh, unless there'd been an arrangement made and they said they'd authorise it.

Think there's a flock on Victoria Dock. The local pub was named after them for a while.

No worries. If you do work those days it's double pay.

You can opt out of working Boxing Day and NY's Day each year.

Asda makes staff authorise the sale of energy drinks but it's actually not a challenge 25, its to verify the person is over 16, unlike Tesco which appears as a Think 25 policy. It's not against the law regardless of the various policies stores have.

Anything the contract says about a change in hours is about when and where they occur and not the amount.

The posters that they have are ridiculous. They make out that if you fail a C25 then you can get into all sorts of shit, with huge fines etc. Nope, that's if you sell to someone under 18.

I know that's a legal defence for proxy sales. If an underage person who looks well over 18 asks an adult to buy alcohol for them, they can use that they looked old enough as a defence. I wasn't aware that was a defence for people serving and selling to children though.

What are you talking about? It's bound to be the hottest June on record!

It's a good thing you posted imo, as some don't know that HCC take empty carrier bags. In fact, anything that says 'take to store to recycle' or along those lines, can be recycled in a blue bin. We are one of the best in the country for the range that we recycle. It's unbelievable that our nearest council doesn't have that option.

The article is about both full and empty bags. It does state that.

It mentions It, but the article opens up with the fact they're not allowed in ERYC's bins at all.

'A bin tagging scheme is set to launch in more parts of the East Riding next week, with the aim of encouraging locals to keep plastic bags out of their blue recycling bins and ensure all waste is loose.'

They are not allowed in the bins completely, unlike HCC. They are tagging bins that have them in empty or full. HCC already get tagged if they are full of rubbish so this article doesn't relate at all to our council.

OP sounds like they've same type of attitude as my son's dad. He wouldn't take him to his Sunday football matches on the day he had him as it was doing me a favour.

I used to draw in my teens, but then life got in the way. It's much easier nowadays to research and check out a new hobby than when I was younger and you had to rely on the library lol.

Just watched a 20min tutorial by Andy. He had some great tips so watching a few more now. That's my evening sorted then, thank you ☺️

Thank you for that. Yes it's on the normal Langton, not the cotton. I didn't realise the difference in edges that the types of paper would create. I've actually ordered some cold pressed cotton Baohong, a 10m roll in graduate and a pad in artist grade so that should keep me going for a while lol. Got my small Arches to have a go on this evening. Had a right panic as it's a block and thought they'd sent the wrong item as the paper looked black!

I'm just learning about the difference in colours to when they are applied to the final result, and yes, I definitely need to up the colour in the sky. Apologies but I gave up after completing the foreground wash, I knew I was going to start again and wanted to ask about the sky before I did so quickly posted. It'd definitely make sense for me to finish if off though, just for the practice.

Thank you for all your help. How long have you been painting for?

That's great, just checking his YouTube channel out now and going to watch a 'basic exercises' vid after I make some tea. I'm sure will come in useful. Yes, I agree it will help to get a wash all in one go, but, as with colour mixing I think it doesn't hurt to have the odd short cut whilst I build on my knowledge. I've created a post in this sub with a painting I did today, (not sure if it's viewable) but if you could give me a couple of pointers, if you find it, I'll be much appreciative.