Oh that's genius. I didn't think about muhammara or lentils. Stuffed Peppers sounds perfect! Thank you. 

BBQ Menu: Advice and pairings

Hello Everyone,

as the title suggests, I'm having a big ol' BBQ in the next month or so. I want to have a damn near royal feast for the event and this is what I have so far for the menu:

  • Japanese-inspired Smoked Salmon: Paired with a nice crackers-and-cheese board.
  • Pork Belly Burt ends: Skewered with pineapple and pears. (Ty costco for the belly on sale)
  • Chicken Quarters: classic dry rub, finishing with a broil in the oven
  • Pesto flatbread made in my Ooni Oven, along with other a la cart pizza
  • Guests are bringing sides (Midwestern specialty "salads", Veggie trays, desserts etc.) and drinks


  1. I do have several vegan/veggie friends who I want to enjoy the BBQ ExpirenceTM and not just eat a veggie tray all night. I have the pizza oven as a "main course" option, but I'd really like to know if there are any particularly good grilled veggies, smoked hummus, or something I can add for variety.

  2. The folks bringing the sides, is there anything I should push for them to bring that would go well? Drinks (adult or otherwise), or a good side?

  3. Anyone who has hosted a big BBQ, any past wisdom to share?

:loon: Common loon

Im more of a fan of Second Harvest. I like that is it secular and focuses more on local nutirtion.

God yes.

I was a teacher during the Pandemic. We constantly switched our schedules. We were two days in school then school every day, but with hybrid kids switching in school days, and of course a good few months of full online.

During the worst of it during online learning, we had a 10-minute "passing time" between classes and I would turn off my camera, lay in bed, sleep for 9 minutes and 30 seconds, or until I heard students in the waiting room, get up, teach...SOMETHING... then lay back down. Repeat x7. I slept during my prep hour, slept for three hours after school, walked the dog in a daze, stumbling through some grading and YouTube Videos to help fill my various class hours with whatever breakout room projects I could somehow deliver to them. attempt to reach out to students who have disappeared off the face of the Earth. It was never enough and it felt like it would never end.

I failed my students for that year and a half. I have never been able to get myself in a classroom after that. Even just typing this raises my heart rate remembering how bad it was.

The land of 10,000 bottoms. But actually it's pretty good. We have a really active queer sports leagues, lot of queer spaces with different vibes, and a very stable government. Only thing you have to Deal with is the cold.

Texas has 45 billionaires (including Elon musk mind you) who claim to have residence in Texas. You don't have to tax the poor. Texas passed 4bil this year to increase school wages (only if legislation for a voucher system is also in place buts that's another can of worms) along with tax cuts. Texas has a 32 bil surplus. They already taxed people, they should use it.

That minimum wage worker isn't training the next generation of the nation. We also definitely work over the breaks including required working over summer. Also, we don't get paid over the summer. We can choose to have our paycheck spread over the summer, or take a 9 month pay schedule. Minimum wage worker also gets to clock out, go home, and not work. Point being, everyone deserves higher wages.

Thankfully we've taken the lead out of the air and (some) of the water so hopefully the literal brain rot is being taken care of... That should leave people with empathy in the older age

I mean, absolutely. We were the bad guys. but Most war museums don't demonize the opposing faction (besides Nazis obviously) like Vietnam does though. It was pretty wild. I don't think I've ever been to a museum on the Revolutionary War where we talk about demonizing the British soldiers and how we outwitted them into brutal deaths.

Yeah No, they're real nails. I went there in the late 2000's Crawled through the tunnels and everything. The whole museum is basically a "look at what we did to the stupid Americans." everything from the pile of unexploded ordinances, to the traps and tunnels were the real thing. All with the messaging of anti American rhetoric.

:loon: Common loon

MERA is the fundamental law that allows citizens to protect their land from exploitation. We still have the BWCA unaccosted by mines because of this (blue) law.

:loon: Common loon

You mean the ones protected by Blue policies?

:loon: Common loon

(F29). Sorry, I know it's the favorite, but this is all I see.

Because he wasn't covering it up enough and could put the spotlight on others.

In context, it assumes you won't be hate crimed for being trans

:loon: Common loon

The AEA (stage actors union) Completely removed the production point requirement to get their union card. If you show you've been in professional theater, you can get your card. If they were looking for new talent, they'd have an ensamble cast for each show. Not one cast for all of these shows.

The Guthrie using non equity actors for ensemble roles is nothing new, nor really an issue but the expectation of this casting call is absolutely abusing non equity actors. They Want to contract these actors for 5 months of on call work for pennies. This is $2000 for 70 days (mimumum) of full time work. Not to mention the ability to take off work anytime throughout the rehearsal process.

I'm a little more skeptical of cis she/her he/him because some companies really push it as a DEI thing, but someone who has he/they or she/they is more clear to me who they are.

I also like using He/They (like in an email signature, or Zoom name) in the professional world as a kinda queer bat signal so people can see that I'm a safe person and part of the community. I'm a Cis pan man (Maybe kinda Gender Queer? idk) but want to make sure my trans/queer siblings can be themselves around me.

:loon: Common loon

No stage manager worth their salt is planning rehearsals the day before.

Too bad it's the director who makes the call for rehearsals. A stage manager can make suggestions and have a general idea of who to call, but the director always has the final say. It's not just legal mumbo jumbo. It's an expectation.

Oh, and the rule change for Open Equity (joining without points) changed in May _of this year_… this is not some forever ago change that I missed.

Open access started as a post-pandemic program in 2021 and then became permanent in May this year. You missed it. For a massive union like Equity, this is big news. You accused me of not knowing about how to get equity, yet you didn't know about the biggest change in their rules from 2 years ago. Don't be dismissive about my knowledge or experience if you don't know what you're talking about.

The contracting scope of being in Equity is a choice an actor needs to make based on the market they are in. This is nothing new, nor a surprise for any actor in MN or anywhere not on Broadway or LA. It is also a pressure for theaters to be union theaters. More members in the union = less talent they can pull from. The union is no longer an elite club, but a movement for all theater labor. If there isn't enough labor for theaters to pull from due to a large union presence in MN, theaters will then need to create union contracts which helps everyone in the theater scene.

The Guthrie is a non-profit theater. Their ticket revenue is a cushion for their business and have a mission statement that it is a theater for all. they give away millions of dollars of tickets every season which they should be praised for. The real money in the Guthrie is contributions and their 53 million dollar endowment which they pull from every year and another 61 million in investments. Even if the Guthrie was struggling due to their low ticket sales/costs, it shouldn't come off the backs of their actors who, in their own words, "Are extremely important to the success of the show".

:loon: Common loon

I'm not hung up on the fact that they are specifically calling for non-equity actors. What I am harping them on for is the ridiculous expectations for a non union and, as you stated earlier, those who treat theater as a hobby or side gig to beholden to 10:00 p.m. emails saying they're called the next day and to drop all the rest of the responsibilities in their lives such as paying the bills. The Guthrie is banking on this exposure base compensation nonsense to Pad their pockets despite having plenty of money to pay a reasonable ensemble. Hand waving away the Guthrie's responsibility to pay the people who are in their Productions and comparing them to Community Theaters is apples to oranges. We are talking about a nonprofit company that made 8 million last year.

If you've been keeping up in the theater world recently, you would know that they dropped the point system to get your Equity card. It is never been more accessible to join the AEA as it is now. Clearly you're the one who really needs to read up on what's happening in the union. The only eligibility to join the union now is proof that you have been paid professional work as a stage manager or actor in the US.

:loon: Common loon

Totally agree, but this casting call is asking far more than a standard ensemble role. They are asking for a full-time ensemble cast for multiple productions, and a "drop everything and rehearse" schedule. This is not a hobby or side-gig casting call.

:loon: Common loon

I mean, it would be significantly more, no question. I believe LORT (the trust of theaters that non-profits like the Guthrie have with the Actors Union) is around $1100 a week.

so over 17 weeks of production that's a lot of money. There are a lot of exceptions for the first week of rehearsal when they are first called, etc etc. But in the grand scheme of things, if the Guthrie organized the rehearsal schedule so "Jester #1" could come in for a week, not come in until a couple of weeks before tech, then go through the performance. It would absolutely cost more, but it would at least give them a more equitable wage.

The Actors Union is REALY complicated, so this is a super simple example, but it comes down to the Guthrie using its name to make life easier for itself and screw over actors.