I volunteer at a place and my manager (with whom I have developed a decent relationship) uses pronouns that I could not remember. So instead of asking what their pronouns were, I first asked if they were trans. I figured this would be a good introductory segue into asking their pronouns without coming off as unvaryingly forgetful.

However, at the time they kind of stayed silent and walked away. Later they texted me that it was not okay to ask people stuff like that. They also noted that it wasn’t okay for someone in my position to ask anyone that (I help manage a team of people as well), and that with someone else the conversation could have gone way worse. They punctuated by saying that while it’s fun to joke around, I need to learn boundaries because that’s dangerous.

How was what I did wrong? I’m genuinely asking so I can adjust for the future.

Edit: I feel the need to specify something to add to the context. This wasn’t my shouting in a crowd of random people in a country that doesn’t allow it, this was a private exchange between me, a openly trans person, and them, someone who others have referred to as trans before (I assumed because they were also open about it).

I also don’t get a lot of the language in the comments. I was trying to find out how what I did was wrong but a lot of people just said that it was very wrong and then insulted me for not already knowing why. I didn’t know. Please be forgiving about this stuff especially because I’m trying to get better about it.

Thanks to those of you who were kindly trying to explain. I put them in a position of outing themself to me or staying closeted on my terms, which is a dick move.