Maybe been put already, but me and my mate don't like Gorod Krovi. Honestly, I don't understand the hype around it. I'll go even further and say DE is a boring map that gets way too much praise. I thought Zets was better, but maybe I just like maps with stupidly long setups

I thought it was pretty obvious when base-level enemies were hitting my level-150 player like a truck that the item I was told increased my attack, and defence was probably the solution to this. Imagine my surprise when my hunch was right...

That's why I don't understand it, I see a description saying it will boost attack and defence, and I think I'll take whatever I can get. I also thought people would realise they'd have to put something in to make it a challenge. Otherwise, people could walk in with a 200+ level, broke build, and speed run the game.


I don't understand this at all, it's says what they do. It literally says increases damage and buffs your defence. I made a point of using them as well as looking for them. They felt like golden seeds, just painfully obvious that you would benefit from having them. I'm not gods gift to FromSoft by any means, and even I was able to beat the DLC without summons.

Wild to think your brother can get your wife pregnant and you're still the father

I had a shiny charmander try to break my chain for a Kangaskhan. Was tough letting it go.

He's the only one to cry when Cartman eats all the skin off the KFC. Probably cause he doesn't get it as much so was more upset by it

That's some good luck on the Cresselia! All my legendary hunts in SwSh have been painfully long! It would be nice to get more mythical shiny hunts available. Especially with the dumpster fire we got with shiny locks on legendaries in the new games.

It's one of my most replayed games. It's awful, and yet I love it. I take great joy in annoying my mate over loving this game.

I'm giving Arceus a crack at the moment and hating it. Shaymin was a much nicer hunt being able to run to reset it. I got shiny Cresselia from go so glad I don't have to hunt that.

You can buy bold hunter marks to fast travel back to your recent lamp, and it resets all the enemy spawns without going back to the dream.

If that's after the 10 best buddies, I'm never getting it.

I'm at 9 and slogging it out now. I missed the Shaymin one, so I decided to hunt it on BDSP and got it relatively quickly. I don't think I can keep hacking these ridiculous shiny mythicals as a casual player.

They removed it for being too sad/depressing.

I'm still trying to get 10 best buddies for Jirachi shiny

I've only just got past this. Came down to just finding the willpower to do it more than anything.

I don't really understand the love for gobbles and the hatred for the potions in 4. They're the same. One just doesn't make you rely on random spins, and it gets shit on for it.

My miniature schnauzer would take up the whole bed, fart wake up scared as hell, proceed to fall off the bed, and then rough me up thinking I was to blame.

My Grandad said it's easily Eleanor of Aquitaine next. Was she a bit of a hooligan?

I went to New York recently and can confirm that you're made to poop like savages in public.

Horror films are the only reason I go to the cinema now. My experience is the same, I've also noticed that a load 16-18 love going to late showings, and they tend to be the worst. The worst I've had was a woman next to me who put plastic bags down on her chair, which kept making a noise and then kept taking selfies throughout the film with the screen flash on.