I've been doing a lot of multiplayer, helping people out with bosses, I currently have all 20 scadutree blessings and my attack power is over 2000 with damage negations at like 70+.

I can't tell you the amount of times I join a game and check the status tab and see 1 BLESSING/REVERED ASH!

Because you adopt the hosts ash/blessing lvl, my damage gets slashed to 1000, and damage negation down to 40 and it's just useless, the host will get one shotted straight away. And no-one can do any real damage

Now you start to understand why the dlc has mixed reviews about the difficulty when the majority refuse to utilize the levelling system in the dlc.

It's actually bad for the game, people dont want to play coop anymore, I'm trying to help people beat bosses not help you with your no level run

(A lot of people were asking weapon/build)

just to flex, Full solitude armour, Aincent meteoric ore greatsword, Dmg neg talisman, Strength/arcane build