Not all young people are assholes. Some are but not all. I honestly don’t believe I ever was as i respected my managers and elders. If I saw something and thought it was done the wrong way I would have asked in a polite way why they do it that way.

A few things.

  • Consistency.

  • Caring - about company, employees ... something...

  • Most importantly though .. recognition that they are not the smartest in the room at the details. Ie.. The focus on the linkages between things and bringing the best of their middle managers, junior managers and staff.

Managers / Directors are the ones who have to make all the decisions, approve little things, decide trivial items and in general don't recognize that the experts they put in place know more about the details than they do.

Executives clear roadblocks, understand how departments link together and are thinking quarters and years ahead.

Makes no sense.

If you are at a work event where you had to travel AWAY together and its only you two.. you hang out and have a couple of drinks with / after dinner and talk shop (so you can expense the meal lol). When you are away and have nothing to do its often seen as rude to just go back to your room and watch tv ... you get to know your co worker man or woman.

3 drinks is not excessive. Covering it up or having the drinks in one of the rooms is.

I just surveyed 89% of my friends and they said of those numbers:

20% said they look made up

53% said they definitely look like you guessed about it.

47% thought you pulled those numbers out of thin air.

7% agreed that the numbers look right and are probably from a real study.

Yes it is.

Americans have a global reputation of being brash, obnoxious and not open to other cultures even when they are IN another culture. (What's up with that anyway??)

Canadians have a reputation of being reasonable open and friendly people -- we are often seen as too nice (not always the truth..)

Sooo.. imagine having the ability to be treated as a nice person when you are away from home vs people assuming you will be a dick. I would chose to not have my food with spit.

Plus .. and I know its stupid to think this but I do .... If there is a hostage taking and its between me and an American they likely pick the American due to the above PLUS Canada has no money and nothing to trade to get us back.

I think you are missing my point and perhaps others.

I can't make a blanket statement for your jurisdiction but I can say that in mine this is not the case. The offer must be a bona fide offer and the realtor must take reasonable steps to ensure they can complete the offer they are making.

Having a letter of pre-approval from a financing institution is sufficient in our case. I would be surprised if a bank letter stating "CRAA141 is approved for $xxx,xxx" wouldn't be legally sufficient in your jurisdiction but stranger things have happened.

I am re-reading the OP's post and see what you are suggesting that proof that the gifted money will actually come through could be something the realtor wants to ensure. They AND the bank may require for the money to be in the account for 30 days prior to the offer or usually the closing. Maybe that is what you mean but it is typically the bank that does this.

The mistake may be the OP giving that level of detail to the realtor instead of just saying we are approved for xxx and will have a downpayment of up to xxx.

Hmm that is super annoying. Get the manager to intervene. Teams is there for a reason.

This is true. The agent is an easy target.... yet in this case ... fire the Agent is correct.

They just need to do their job and find places in the price range the are asked to. If they don't want to do that there are lots of other agents.

Ya it sounds like he has a problem using Teams. Not sure why. He may be working two jobs and can’t have teams on his computer or something.

You are hearing skepticism as your overall message doesn't make sense or if exactly true, the path is obvious. You can either afford these new people or not. Don't put your entire company in jeopardy over this.

Your bonus has nothing to do with it. I am sorry but it doesn't. Deferring it may help your cash flow but doesn't fix that it needs to be paid. As CFO I am sure you realize that moving it from one period to another still means overall it gets paid.

A manager hired about 15 people without authorization, they need to be the first to go.

Then enough of the team to fix the financial issue. If that means 3 people great. If that means 14 then great.

It is just odd for a CFO to ask these types of questions but you did so that is my take.

21, 22 or 23 for me. I have no idea why.

Is there a language barrier and he takes time to translate it to english?

Does he ever respond to Teams messages?

In any case as others have said, start emailing him and CC the manager every time. If you can point out that you already checked and see his notes and that he handled the order.

Whoops my bad. I am blind apparently. I totally missed that.

I love Drakes music. It is catchy and interesting and by himself or a collaboration there are lots of good songs.

I love Kendrick as well but for basic listening in my car while driving I am sure I listen to more Drake than Kendrick.

While I wish they would it gets messy over time.

Fairness both ways is an example.

People in office getting faster promotions due to them being heard and seen.

People in office having to slog into the office on bad weather days while their coworkers get to chill at home.

Both cases have people who will complain about not getting …. And creates employee disappointment.

I don’t know why you are being downvoted because you are absolutely right. Learn English and you can converse with any Jamaican who wishes to.

Goddam it so many great movies listed here. Someone less lazy than me please compile the list.

We use BambooHR and a payroll company. This is because Bamboo only recently started doing payroll in Canada.

We looked at UGK but are hearing horror stories about support.

2020 Suzuki Boulevard C50

Except for the drinking of beer 3 times sounds about perfect.

I am fully onboard with this Loblaws boycott but ... I don't believe the OP.

Loblaws isn't that aggressive unless of course you went on the misguided "steal from Loblaws day".

If on steal from Loblaws day you showed up with a bag of groceries in your hand in the store and didn't pay for it, I would have stopped you too.