Original post : https://www.reddit.com/r/managers/s/Xm3GmNAf0T

Once again, he did not reply to my messages and teams but instead send a long mail with our manager in ‘to’ to me basically blaming me.

What happened was customer asked for status update to me, and when I checked the order number, it belonged to him. I looped him in and asked him to advise. Cue, he sent a mail citing that he did not handle this order and to make sure I always check properly. I have been doing this for atleast 40-50 orders for customers since he joined, and not once did I make a mistake.

When I checked in the folder, his mails were there. I sent him a mail and to my manager attaching the mails. I also mentioned it would be really helpful if he could respond to my messages or calls or atleast an acknowledgment of some sort, since it takes a long time to sort out a simply mail.

My manager was also aware of this and set a call to discuss another order between us. She mentioned that its always important to acknowledge or let the other person know even if they are busy and they will get back to us. Apparently I am not the first person he did this to. He barely replies to others.

I did wish I brought this to my manager a while ago rather than last week.