
I think it’s a grift. I support women in their right to choose to stay at home and raise a family. But these women are portraying an image of a SAHM from the past. All while earning an income from these videos and having all the perks of living in the present time.


Because a hike is in nature. A walk can be in a mall. That’s why there’s a different word.


I “hike” or what I thought was hiking almost every day. We go to the legal off leash trails and do between 5-10km. Most are pretty nice simple walks. The dogs sniff and meander along. Running in creeks. I’m not out there to challenge anyone to it being the toughest HIKE. It’s a nice hike through the woods. This seems like such a weird discussion.

I admit to tapping out about a minute in. The woman’s smug face was bugging me.

For learning behaviour in public. I would say nice walks along the beach. Theres “my dogs cafe”. You can take your dog to Collective Arts Brewery. It’s dog friendly. Many patios are. I don’t love the standard grass field square fenced dog parks. We travel a bit for a more natural experience. Oakes leash free in Grimsby. There’s two leash free trails in Bronte park. Guelph has amazing off leash areas.

Yup. They refused. Ive asked numerous times. It’s all good. I was spending too much. It’s easy to waste money $5-10 a day.

I consistently made purchases of $5-10. As soon as I did a big one (to use the $40 off $100 coupon from fishland win) it went to $30. Now it’s at $35. Haven’t bought anything since.

We have it in Canada too. The “fuck Trudeau” crowd are exactly the same.

My cat lived years after his kidney disease/failure diagnosis. Medication can do wonders.

Perogies. Big frozen bag is $3.99. Cook. As you like. I throw them in my deep fryer. Then sauté butter onions and bacon. Add to perogies in pan. Top with shredded cheddar and bake.

I’ve seen multiple videos/posts from younger people that think the thumbs up emoji is rude. Like you’re being dismissive. I always just thought it meant ok. But for many, nope. And apparently “ok” is rude too.

You can buy similar ones online.

What is your counterpoint? That unvaccinated people haven’t helped bring back almost eradicated diseases? Because it’s not worthy of discussion as it’s inaccurate.

How do you know that someone who was “riff raff” (whatever the fuck that means) did this?

How many animals get killed by them? And how many risks are there to the cats?

How much was the purchase? I think it’s triggered by bigger purchases.

Extendable leashes are legal. Stupid. But legal. Off leash is not

I drive at least 15-25 minutes each weekday to take my dogs to leash free legal areas. The spca forest park, Grimsby, Ancaster. Etc. on weekends we go to the campground side of Bronte for their amazing off leash trail or to Guelph for their two beautiful off leash hiking trails. My dogs don’t like normal grass square dog parks. These are more natural. More engaging for them. I wish Hamilton had legal off leash trails somewhere. I think more people would use those instead of going on regular trails.

There are all types of ticks, especially (brown) dog and (black legged) deer ticks. There’s also American dog tick and rocky mountain tick (which can give you an allergy to meat). Deer ticks carry Lyme. Preventative for pets is very important. And if you get a bite you should bring the tick to your doctor to get checked. I use a homemade spray (2 cups white vinegar, 1 cup water, 20 drops eucalyptus oil). But I’ll be adding a bug spray like off as mosquitoes are already getting bad and I have severe reactions to them. When hiking, tuck your pants into high socks. Use a sticky roller all over yourself before getting in your car.

Best. Go right behind the Walmart. To the left if looking at Walmart. There’s a little driveway (by an electrical building). Go down. Park there. It’s a little lot. Then go down the path. Beautiful. You get right into the system at back.