We all have different standards on what we deserve to know and do not. So I'm not going to argue here. Just as I deserve to know if my daughter's partner has taken a life, accident or not.

What I'm curious to know if why should he not know? Seems like this has had a pretty big impact on her life, for better or for worse. I am curious also to hear it


Reddit has a good way of telling you it's not your fault and comforting you, and hey, it's not your fault. You are free to take their advice, but at the end of the day, it's your decision. There's stories where people take the internets' advice and it works out for them and other times it completely ruins their life.

I might get hate for this but I'm going to give my opinion and 2 cents also. Your boyfriend deserves to know, just as you deserve to know if you was in his place. How he responds to it depends on his maturity but one thing you know is you strain the relationship. If you like where you are now and don't want it to change, don't bring it up.

Sounds like this is eating you up quite a bit, sooner or later, he'll find out with the slip of a tongue (drunk or not). Whether that'd be in a few months, years or decades, and when that time comes, be prepared to answer "why didn't you tell me this?" and that's when it becomes even more of a problem and his priorities change because you wasn't honest with him from the get-go. A lot of time has past would've past since then you should be ready for "I wasted so much time, I should've told him. I'm much older know with no direction of where to go from here". This is your call, good luck

Maybe it’s just me but, I’ve tried it a couple of times. Every single time, I take a max of 5 sips. I just don’t like the taste at all. Is anyone else in the same boat? I only drink because others around me are doing it, but usually it’s just coke or orange juice

Eat more carbs. They make you hungrier in a shorter amount of time. You'll just gradually start to eat more and more. If it's strictly weight you're looking to gain, just eat processed foods. The fibre's been literally taken out of them such that you won't feel as full. It's the reason why it's hard to eat 3 apples compared to drinking almost all of the apple juice in a carton. Spam processed foods. I don't mean candy, as you'll just feel sick eating a few candy bars. Just spam rice cakes, croissants, baked goods. It's so effective dude

Pheromone maxing

HAHAHA. Necrit's latest video says Riot players actually increased after vanguard. Kinda funny. Just like I said exactly

A lot of treadmill. You don't need to run. Set it on incline and just start walking while listening to music, an audiobook and watch a video on your phone. Treadmill makes you hungrier, so I intentionally do not buy snacks at the store. I see it in the house, I'd gobble that all up. In the store, I see something I'm not suppose to have, I open up pinterest and look at the dream bodies I want, I put that food down and say some pretty nasty stuff to myself in my internal dialogue. I increase protein intake from meats to feel more full throughout the day. And yeah, that's pretty much it. No need to weight train, just simple cardio (treadmill/stair-master).

Take progress pics so you can look back and see each period you're making progression. Over time, I see my abs developing and now I'm locked in. People compliment me and the public interacts with me more, that fuels me even further. It's like a positive feedback

You’re definitely using too much, and a bunch of products with random names. I pay a lot of money for a dermatologist per month, this is their holy grail routine. You do not need to break the bank, just simple products from reputable dermatologist-backed brands.

I had severe acne a while back, followed this routine, stopped overloading myself with YouTube and products.

Here is my routine now with clear skin

Morning: -Cleanser (CeraVe hydrating) - Serum (optional, la roche posay mela b) -Moisturiser (CeraVe moisturiser) - Sunscreen (RoundLab birth juice sunscreen) - Makeup (optional, non comedogenic)

Evening - Cleanser - Moisturiser - Retinol (try to get it prescribed to you. Differin or adapalene)

That’s it. For red marks, laser, It’s expensive but it’s your choice. Make sure the dermatologist you visit are legit, not some pretend company advertising their products at 100s of €$, with 50 types of treatments. Retinol is your holy grail when used consistently for years. Good luck, please be kind to your skin

You’re asking if you un-list all your listed, if people will come to your account? Come on now lol. At least if you turned on vacation mode, I can still see your listing but it’s flagged as “Seller is on vacation”

NTA. Why the hell would you sell a horse for a piece of metal. Can’t he just buy another cheaper car? Who’s he trying to show his car off to? Is his ego that big that he’d brush aside his girl’s beloved horse for a car.

Once you sell that horse, you’ll be bawling your eyes out every often about why you did it? Don’t get me started on if a breakup ever happens and regrets start kicking in lol.

What’s so special about him anyways?

Tbh, I don’t think people are really afraid of dying. A majority are just afraid of how painful it’ll be how they’re going to go out

I literally just bought a burberry jacket lmao, waiting on shipping from them LOL. If you're really worried, you can check out the buyer's profile and see their reviews, then not risk if they've had little to no history.

I also sold a £300 diesel jacket to a first-time buyer, very respectful. I got my money, they got their jacket and left a 5* review for me!

Nah, it's gotta be arguing with the doctor about seeing a post on facebook moms going against what the doctor has just advised to you

Well, there's an instance where it's "god, I really want this damn item so bad but I just can't afford it right now. I'll leave it in there until my next upcoming paycheck. Weird af for me asking them in their dms to hold it on for me and don't let anyone else buys it. I just hope no-one buys it, but if they do, it is what it is". Just me?

Dick move. Especially with people who want peace and quiet, or even had a bad day. Who knows what day they could’ve had. Better than loud obnoxious people. Do better

Ah sorry! Just strictly men/boys we're talking about. Should've added that

I see, so you're telling me, if a guy scammed but doesn't realise his sister's also using depop. She'd also get banned. Or, he can setup to use a different banking account and get away with it?

Just curious, how would they know it's the scammer's account when they open a 2nd account? How would they link it if it's literally a different email. Just wondering

I am masters+ jungler for many seasons. You DO NOT need a leash as a jungler. I do not care what anyone says, I am sorry. Especially, if the jungler's game plan is to full clear. Tell your jungle friend that. If he can't accept that, tell him to drop his ego and accept it. Only exception is if he plans to for-fun and gank level 3 cheese early.