So I own about 50 fragrances, although I know that my collection is dwarfed by some of the ridiculous collections we see on here and on social media, to the normal person 50 is still a ridiculous amount and I can't deny it. And I think it's that I had a hoarding issue that I'm finally addressing now.

But recently I've come to realize that I really only use about maybe 10 or 15 of them, I could chuck 35 of mine in the bin and my day to day rotation throughout the seasons would be 90% the same as it was.

And especially after dipping my toes into the world of higher than average quality perfumery it makes me not even want to touch my mid/low range designers and clones as they're just inferior in every way to the other better fragrances that I own, I just don't have much use for most of them, there are a few that I wouldn't throw down the hypothetical bin that I use and abuse as dumb reach fragrances for non occasions and for gym/sports but that's about it.

Have you ever felt the same way and if so what did you do about it? I have no issue selling or giving away a failed blind buy but I genuinely have no clue how to go about wanting to get rid of ATLEAST 20 fragrances.

And it's caused me a bit of a mental block cause whenever I come across a new find I just feel guilty if I buy or even just consider buying it knowing I already have 50 at home, and it's stopping me from buying new ones I know I'd actually use and enjoy instead of having 30 at home that are just collecting dust.