How do I get my money back?

I bought a pair of shoes with a listing that seemed pretty reasonable. Unfortunately I looked at the profile after I had bought it and the seller had 3 identical listings up. When I tried DMing him about it he completely ignored me, so I made a new account and Med him acting like I was interested in the other identical listings. I then confronted him about what happened and he denied even selling the shoes to me. I was fairly nice and explained that if he would just refund I wouldn't open a dispute and I wouldn't report his account (I obviously was going to anyways). He agreed and said he would refund, he never did. I spammed his DMs on my regular account where he began insulting me and outright admitted to scamming me. I just checked his account and it looks like he either got banned or deleted it. Now idk what to do, am I gonna be able to still get my money back?