
r/Depop144.6K subscribers21 active
Monthly Shop Critique Thread

Welcome to the Monthly Shop Critique Thread! This thread is for users to seek and give advice on user's Depop shops.

Some advice or questions to ask about can include: Advice on your photos, are your prices too high, advice on your backgrounds, what backgrounds suit better, what aesthetic your shop gives off, what are your strengths and weaknesses, why aren't/why isn't your item or items selling and similar questions.

Comments that do not fit the criteria below will be removed.

Those requesting feedback:

  • Add an image of your shop. (If this isn't working, please message the mods. For some reason, this turns off frequently.)
  • Mention what advice you're looking for.
  • Please be open and receptive to constructive criticism.
  • If you have a specific vibe you're going for, mention it.
  • If you have a specific question, mention it.

Those giving feedback:

  • Keep criticism kind and constructive.
  • Answer their questions and give proper advice.

Do not use this thread for advertising, buying or selling, being uncivil or posting unreleated topics. Doing any of those will result in a warning or ban.

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Monthly Description/Pricing Help Megathread

Welcome to the Description/Pricing Help Thread! This thread is for sellers to seek advice on descriptions/bios/tags and pricing for their items.

Before using this thread, use google reverse image search or google lens.

Comments that don't fit the criteria below will be removed

Those seeking help:

  • Attach a photo of the item (please message the mods if this isn't working as it frequently turns off.)
  • Mention if you're looking for help on a description, what hashtags to use, keywords or pricing the item
  • Be open to people's different opinions
  • Do not post any rule breaking/off topic things
  • Do not use this thread to try and sell your items

Those helping:

  • No trolling/unhelpful comments. If you have nothing nice to say or aren't actually going to help, don't comment
  • Do not use this thread to buy items
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New UpdateSelling Question/Advice

This new update is making me so upset. Every time I update a listing, I lose followers. I don’t blame them, it’s annoying when we get notified after every post. What are you guys doing to up your sales?

How to get verifiedGeneral Question/Advice

How hard is it really to get verified? I’ve only sold 50 items since I started in April but I’m curious what it takes to get the check mark and if it even helps sales

how to accept offers on vacation mode?Selling Question/Advice

i’m on vacation rn but i received an offer i want to accept, but i put vacation mode on so i can’t sell the item yet. how would i go about this if i accept the offer? do i just accept it and hope they remember to buy it when im back or dm them? i’m confused 😭

Should I make a seperate account for different products?Selling Question/Advice

This may be a dumb question, but I just wanted some more opinions. I recently got into crocheting and wanted to maybe start selling some of my pieces. I didn’t necessarily want to make a whole Etsy just because I don’t think I want to make it a full time thing like that (idk something about Etsy seems so serious lol), so i’m wondering if I should sell on my already made Depop account in between the clothes I have posted or make another account entirely just for the crochet items? I felt if I post them all on the same one it could clash a little, but if I start a new account I don’t have any reviews on that one or anything. Idk just wanting some outside opinions on this! Thanks :)

Wrong “shipped from” addressTechnical Question/Advice

I’m a seller on Depop. So I just moved last week and I just sold a bundle tonight, but my “shipped from” address (my address) was not updated on the shipping label. Will the package be shipped?

Does This Count as Item Not As Described? Item labeled as vintage but not vintage.Buying Question/Advice


I bought a lovely eyelet top that was labeled as "Vintage white lace boho flower daisy square neck crop embroidered top." When I got the item it was CLEARLY not vintage, and made from polyester. Does this count as an item not as described?

Note: In addition, the title of the post said DOEN blouse. It's definitely not DOEN but I'm not sure if including the word DOEN in the title without any description affirming that it's not DOEN counts as being item not being as described.

I'm disappointed! But I don't think the seller meant to be misleading at all...

Should I raise a dispute?

How do you guys ship in Canada? I'm in Montreal and I have no clue!Selling Question/Advice

Hi I just started a depop account and I made a sale, the thing is I have ZERO idea how to get a shipping label and what is the cheapest way to ship. I'm really stressing out because I have to ship it ASAP and I don't wanna lose the profit I'm making by paying an OVERPRICED shipping with post canada. :,)

15 & Unable To Sell (UK)General Question/Advice

I'm 15, and every time I try to create a Depop account and set up Depop payments, I'm asked to verify my ID. When I do, it says I'm too young. However, my friend, who is the same age, managed to set up two accounts around the same time using his real age and entered his bank details without needing to verify.

I've made a few sales but can't claim my money because of this. In the UK, Depop allows users over 13 to sell, so why is this happening to me? All my settings are set for the UK (postcode, GBP, etc.). Any help is greatly appreciated.

USPS refused packageSelling Question/Advice

I had an item purchased on the 30th which was a Sunday. Depop makes the ship by date whatever day the item is purchased. Since the post office is closed I went in the next business day to drop off the package, but they refused it. Teller told me that I should’ve found a post office that was opened on Sunday. There’s no post office remotely close to me that’s open on a Sunday. I’ve shipped items 3 days after the ship date. Is this an actual policy?

Evri sending a parcelTechnical Question/Advice

i don’t understand how to book an evri locker plz help

im selling items on depop and i sent my first parcel today, i use depop shipping and the buyer paid for the shipping but when went to book a locker it said i need to pay for a label? how do i book a locker without having to pay for another label its so confusing

because i couldn’t work it out i ended up sending the parcel at the actual evri post office thing but i haven’t had any confirmation email or notifications from depop to say its been confirmed and im worried ive done something wrong plz plz plz help

“Item in transit”Selling Question/Advice

Sold an item on 21st June item says “in transit” however when you click the link for full shipping details it’s shown as delivered with photo evidence, the customer has also left me a nice review which confirms they’ve received it yet I’m stuck in limbo now as the app hasn’t updated it to delivered?? Tomorrow is 10 days since the sale will it just automatically be paid after the 10 days are up? I’ve obviously emailed Depop support but I might as well have opened my window and shouted at strangers because the bot reply I received was literally ZERO help. Any one else had this issue and if so how did you fix it?
