Ok! I'll just go through Depop then, I don't want to explain the rules to this person anymore. I tried being nice and I don't want to deal with any drama! Thanks for reassuring me, I started doubting myself.


The seller offered to refund if I can return the item and when I asked if they could pay for shipping they said “I can purchase but will have to take the amount off the refund amount + 10% handling cost. The listing mentions this item was vintage and Doen doesn’t do vintage. They base their designs off original styles. This item is handmade from the 70s. I had to put a brand name due to Depop rules.” Any advice?

I’m just nervous I won’t win a refund if I go through Depop because I don’t know if this really counts as misrepresentation? I see other listings that say Doen in the title but describe the item as vintage.

Oh ok wow I will def do that. Should I just message the seller first and explain nd see if she wants to do a refund? I think she probably just didn't know and I don't want to make her account get banned or anything.

Does This Count as Item Not As Described? Item labeled as vintage but not vintage.Buying Question/Advice


I bought a lovely eyelet top that was labeled as "Vintage white lace boho flower daisy square neck crop embroidered top." When I got the item it was CLEARLY not vintage, and made from polyester. Does this count as an item not as described?

Note: In addition, the title of the post said DOEN blouse. It's definitely not DOEN but I'm not sure if including the word DOEN in the title without any description affirming that it's not DOEN counts as being item not being as described.

I'm disappointed! But I don't think the seller meant to be misleading at all...

Should I raise a dispute?

yeah what the hell!! how can i talk to a person on the phone? it seems the outsourced customer service to another country.

ugh thank you for commiserating! i was so frustrated and upset by the end.

E Sim Scam?:flair_discussion: Discussion

Was talking to Xfinity about a weird thing that happened with my billing and he helped but then told me if I bought an E Sim I'd get free internet for a year. Ok, why not? I thought. But then I thought what on earth is this madness? So I ended up buying it but am EXTREMELY confused what the E SIm is for and EXTREMELY worried it's a huge scam and that I will end up paying a bunch of money for some reason? This was the most frustrating customer service interaction I had also, it took over 2 hours to fix a very simple problem and he kept pushing this crazy E Sim card on me and I don't even know what really happened. Can anyone explain what the hell the E Sim is for? And if I made a stupid choice to buy one to save money on internet? I can forward the text convo if necesary.

luckily i didn't get any gas pain really, but i did a bunch of research on how to prevent. make sure you're equipped with compression socks, peppermint tea, gas x! and i would talk to the doc about how you're nervous about the gas--i told my doc and they said they made sure to push it all out before they woke me up so i think that really helped!

Oh honey I'm so sorry. I felt absolutely wretched while recovering--not really from any pain but just from my total lack of energy or ability to focus on anything. I felt like I was in a horrible sad fog of depression...because I WAS in a horrible sad fog of depression! The anesthetics they use really stick to your brain for like two weeks after surgery and I was so miserable. I couldn't read or watch tv, I just scrolled on Instagram and looked out the window.

Luckily it does get better after the two weeks. Just keep gently pushing yourself to move every day, and maybe try to read some favorite comics or graphic novels if you have any--this really helped me in brain fog. And don't be afraid to ask the doc for more pain meds!

(And I remember the pain while urinating. Mine went away after about a week but even if yours lasts longer, it WILL get better, I promise. Within 2 weeks I really think you will be AMAZED at how much better you feel!)

It DOES get better! It took like all the two weeks though.

Making a list of links to remind me things!

Difference between itis and osis, recovery time, and insurance safe procedure: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/tendinitis-tendinosis-difference-important-treatments-help

Tyler Twist Excercise as Go To for Tennis Elbow: https://archive.nytimes.com/well.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/08/25/phys-ed-an-easy-fix-for-tennis-elbow/

Tennis elbow — While standing or sitting upright, hold your injured arm straight out in front of you and point your fingers down toward the ground. With the hand of the uninjured arm, grasp the hand of the injured arm, thumb pressing on the palm, and try to bend the wrist further (picture 1). Hold for 30 seconds; repeat three times. Perform this stretch daily:

Nerve Flossing:

honestly the easy warm up is to help with a small fear of heights i get at the beginning of climbing sessions! but this is great and i definitely want to make my warm up climbs more productive… i’ve thought about trying to smear up a 5.7 since i feel have some difficulty with smears (though that might be a shoe issue)

hahah thank you yes this is good advice, i will try this out this week! when my friend and i both first started on this route we told our belay partners “plz keep us tight so we can cheat a little!” but that was when i didn’t even think i could do it! i want to get all the moves as fluid as possible 😌

oh cool that’s good to know cos i am also afraid of hurting myself with weight lifting! maybe ill just try some training out and then go back to just climbing. thanks for the advice!!

hahah that's me in reverse! i'm so worried of falling off the boulder and it interfere with my confidence so hard and i get a lil grumpy about it lol. but i wanna boulder more! this is a real inspiring vid!

It's so fun!!! I love watching my progress and learning new tricks! But yeah, I think I'm basically as strong as I can really be without training for strength, so I've started doing strength training. :)

Finished (with rests) first 5.12-!Proud Moment


I'm so stoked!

I used to climb very infrequently as a child and then once a week for about a year back in college (2012-2013), but I couldn't climb anymore when I moved to a new town because of a lack of friends and funds.

I JUST got back into it this February, and I was surprised to be about as good as I was back then (5.10, projecting 5.11). I climbed 2x a week on average since the beginning of February, and at the beginning of this month, I was able to finish (with a few falls / rests on the rope) my first 5.12-! I know it's not a send or anything, and routes are subjective and can vary a LOT, but I literally never in my life ever imagined I would go NEAR a 5.12, let alone be able to finish one and feel really proud of my body and my fingers! :)

I've not been able to redpoint this route yet, but I hope to soon!!

(Also, if anyone has tips on my form or anything, I'm all ears, haha.)

What's your warm up routine sweet spot??Questions

Hi! Been climbing for about two months (after a 10-year hiatus after climbing 1x a week for a year or so). What's your warm-up routine?

I usually stretch for 5-10 min, boulder easy (v1) - projecting routes (v3 / v4) for 20-30 min, and then top rope 1 easy route (5.8 for me), 1 harder route (5.10+ or 5.11-), and a project route or two (5.11+ or 5.12-)before going back down to harder routes and then do an hour of weightlifting when my climbing begins to get worse.

I'm wondering if that's TOO much warm-up time for working on projects and would love to hear y'alls advice!

i started climbing in feb (after a 10 year hiatus from when i climbed every week for a year) and was SO EXHAUSTED afterwords. like felt almost sick. but it was only for the first few weeks, and recovery time now is pretty chill (so much so that i'm now incorporating a pretty intensive weightlifting routine AFTER climbing each session!).

ps i go 2x a week (th & sat), 4 hour each time on avg, total of 8 hours.

WooooooWWWWW what level is this? i love this kind of fancy footwork but am still not super confident bouldering as much as top rope.

my bf and i average 4 hours per session which is twice a week !! you're definitely not spending too long at the gym--we are! haha. but I dunno; between a top rope, bouldering, and weight lifting, I often feel like 4 hours twice a week isn't enough! and we always climb until we start noticing a decreased ability.

i think the only reason you should be concerned is if you start getting hurt.

Yes every little ache or pain I am acutely noticing and trying to take care of so it doesnt become a biggr issue! Appreciate your instillment of this lesson. Luckily it had only been two weeksI noticed it last week (so only been 2 or 3 days at gym) so I hope it is early enough that I can heal up well. I will buy a bendy stick!

Funny Bone Pain from Climbing! Tips?Questions

Hi! I'm new to climbing and trying to avoid injury and I noticed a tenderness in my funny bone area, like in the tendon part...literally the part that is the funny bone. It hurts to extend with weight (so hanging from holds!). Any ideas about what this is and how to heal? Not super painful, just worried it's a sneaky injury coming for me!

UPDATE: Bought the flexbars and have been doing this exercise and it's getting better!!!
