They posted this, never responded to any comments or provided any updates. Was removed because it was probably fake

Tornados, flat land, the wizard of oz

at least they said thanks! /s

Exchanging numbers with younger people may have a different connotation than the one you are thinking. A lot of younger people casually message thru socials; exchanging phone numbers is perceived as super personal and possibly intimate. (Source: I was a hs senior not too long ago).

I know you aren’t on socials but from a student perspective I would 100% be more comfortable and likely to friend a teacher on Facebook then text them or give them my phone number.

I was talked down to the whole time. The salesman tried to position himself as a father-figure to try an manipulate me.

the browser extension Honey sometimes has a price tracker but I’m not sure how far back it goes and on what sites it’s applicable on

Goulash! I never learned how to make it from my mama but I’ve been thinking about researching some recipes. Just the thought of it makes me think of her.

Vanilla syrup and a itty bitty amount of milk (preferably iced)

my parents getting divorced (I was 3. I grew up very different from every other kid in my school(small town))

Before my mom passed she would always take me driving and tell me to look up at the trees and clouds and all the nature. In times of need I find myself driving to clear my mind and go just get out of the house. One day I was driving looking at a cool cloud formation and I was thinking about how I could have missed this if I had ended it the night prior.

I don’t want to miss out on beautiful potential. I don’t want to believe that a world this beautiful could hate me so much.

I was 17 during COVID and a senior in high school. At 8am my mom was supposed to pick me up from my dads so I could go to online class at her house (custody arrangement)

At 7:30 I woke up and called her and asked where she was she sounded sleepy and said home. I told her it was okay and to pick me up later because I was tired. She said okay.

I went back to bed. I couldn’t go back to sleep- my stomach was kinda hurting me. (I thought it was just cramps) 20-30 minutes later I called her back. I realized she wasn’t sleepy- she wasn’t tired. She was slurring her words and repeating herself. A week before this she had been forgetting things, dropping things and acting weird. She was tested for COVID and was in quarantine. This was supposed to be the first day I would be able to see her again.

I got up and ran to my dad and just very calmly told him. “We need to go to moms right now. We need to call an ambulance.”

We got to my mom’s and she was trapped between a shelf and her bed in her room. I don’t think it really hit me till we got to the ER and we couldn’t go in.

I just sat outside and cried. It was terrifying.

She had suffered a massive stroke and the doctors said if we had waited one more hour she would have passed. The stroke started at 12am and we didn’t get to her until 8.

I think about this a lot. I’m upset we didn’t know earlier. She was never the same after that. She couldn’t walk or see or talk normally. I think about if I had just listened to my gut and not waited the 20-30 minutes.

Ty Blackthorn

I had the book near (: I just DMd you

How long do Ticket Appeals takeQuestion

I got a parking ticket //: I immediately appealed it and was wondering how long it usually takes to hear back about the outcome?

Undergrad Student

Prolly stress,,, I get stress headaches a lot too. they start at my shoulders, up my neck and around my head. I have found that Advil helps if you’re comfortable taking medication. Heating pads, a hot shower, stretching and meditation sometimes helps as well. The one thing that has worked no matter what is sleeping, even if it’s just a nap.

Protein bar! Buy the boxes to get more bang for your buck. They’re quick and easy

Went to go reread my favorite book series from my childhood. I then found out it was based off a Draco malfoy/Ginny Weasley fanfiction.

That is a little annoying /: the buyer I guess didn’t finalize the purchase which is kinda frustrating. definitely different from other platforms I use. Thank you for telling me

Oooooh thank you! That is definitely different than other platforms I’ve used