I looked it up and some people are saying you can if you email Depop for permission first so they know it’s not for any suspicious reason. So hopefully that could work?

Oooh idk why that never crossed my mind but that seems like it’ll probably be the best option. Thank you so much!!

Should I make a seperate account for different products?Selling Question/Advice

This may be a dumb question, but I just wanted some more opinions. I recently got into crocheting and wanted to maybe start selling some of my pieces. I didn’t necessarily want to make a whole Etsy just because I don’t think I want to make it a full time thing like that (idk something about Etsy seems so serious lol), so i’m wondering if I should sell on my already made Depop account in between the clothes I have posted or make another account entirely just for the crochet items? I felt if I post them all on the same one it could clash a little, but if I start a new account I don’t have any reviews on that one or anything. Idk just wanting some outside opinions on this! Thanks :)

I do the same thing! I don’t think it’s weird at all, but maybe the person you’re selling to washes it anyway when they get the package. I do that too so maybe they were just trying to spare your time, but it did come off a little strange when they said it😭 Hopefully that’s the case tho!

My project is too big!How do I...

This is one of my first projects ever with crochet and I am trying to make a water bottle holder. I found a YouTube tutorial where she said she used a medium 4 weight cotton yarn and a 5mm hook. She said you can use acrylic yarn too, but she just prefers cotton. So I used 4 weight acrylic with a 5mm hook. The stitches are kinda loose and sloppy (which I expected as a beginner), but the project is also HUGE! It looks like a plant holder instead of a water bottle holder. I was thinking it could be the type of yarn I used maybe or just sometimes a beginners thing, but I honestly have no idea. Any help or suggestions would be so appreciated!!

*sobs quietly* shirt

I have a Mom Jeans. shirt that i got a few years back from a mystery box or something that my friend and i bought and one of the shirts in it is a white one with eric on it and a teardrop drawn on his face that says “sobs quietly” above him and “Mj x Htv” below him. I let a friend borrow it a while ago and I genuinely can not tell if there is a weird stain or that’s just the design of the shirt he’s wearing on the shirt. I know this is kind of vague but if anyone has this shirt can you please attach a photo of it and lmk! I would take a picture of mine but im gonna be honest i do not know where it is right now. Thanks!!

The package never arrived! There was an email and a “contact us!” button that just let you send messages from the website, but absolutely no responses from them, totally got scammed! I probably should’ve known but I just was too hopeful this time

Yeah same here! We called our post office yesterday and it said it would be delivered tomorrow (so today) and there’s no sign of it but the online tracker says it’s here. Really giving it a chance right now and waiting till the end of the week. If it’s not here, we’ll have to dispute it but fingers crossed!!

he says the guy looks similar, but not it. thank you though!

I really thought this could be it, but he said it’s not. Thank you for trying though!

Solved! I kept researching and found Amazing Stories episode "Vanessa in the Garden"

[TOMT] [MUSIC VIDEO] MTV Music Video from the 80s with a WriterOpen.

My dad is trying to find this music video he saw once in the 1980s. It was about a man who was a writer and rented out a room in some house. He was writing on his typewriter and there was a girl that lived in the house. The house is more so cottage like rather than in a city or something. He thinks the girl in the house may have liked him and was trying to get his attention but she was younger than him. He also thinks it may have been more of a pop song and a woman singing. I know this is super vague, but it's all he can remember. Please help!

[TOMT] [SHOW] Alfred Hitchcock/Twilight Zone Type Episode From Around Late 80s early 90sSolved

I'm trying to help my mom find this tv show episode she talks about. She saw it sometime around the late 80s or early 90s on cable tv. It was a tv show where every episode told a different story, similar to Alfred Hitchcock Presents or The Twilight Zone, except it was not black and white and was in color. She says it followed a man who was a painter and was madly in love with his wife, but somehow she died. He was so heartbroken he started painting pictures of her and every time he painted her she would appear how she did in the picture and they were able to spend time together doing what he painted. He continues to paint her in different scenarios to keep living life with her, such as boating in a pond, having a baby, etc. This was a while ago she told me about it and some details may be wrong, but we've never been able to find it online. Please help!

YA Book Recs

Okay so i’m super picky when it comes to reading but i’ve been trying to find something to get back into. I like fantasy and dystopian, love hunger games, harry potter, stuff like that. I don’t really like anything to do with royalty, warriors, and time period stuff, but I know that’s what a lot of fantasy is. I also like some mystery, psychological thriller, horror, and sci-fi. Preferably don’t really want a heavy romantic plot, small background can be okay, but nothing that’s too important. Stand alone or series, either works!! Thank you <3
