Book Suggestions

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Nonfiction books for people who typically read fiction?Non-fiction

Some topics I would be interested in reading about are art, music, mythology, and plants. Willing to read about other topics too. Preferably not biographies or memoirs

Suggest me a book about the elite doing absolutely vile things.

I’m talking stuff like 120 days of Sodom, Hostile where the rich watch people get tortured, the wealthy hunting people for game, just about the rich doing the most absolute inhumane things.

What’s the most realistic fictional book you’ve read?

As the title says, what’s a book that is fictional but has a storyline that could very much be real life? Many fictional books, especially in romance in my opinion, are good but aren’t always realistic (and they don’t have to be)! But what’s a book you’ve read that could easily be real life/ is pretty realistic believing?

Sci fi suggestions

Absolutely dying to get into a book, but nothing is grabbing me. I love Andy Weir and read The Martian, and pre-ordered Artemis and Project Hail Mary and loved them all, and recently read (actually via recommendation from Andy Weir himself) Dark Matter and Recursion by Blake Crouch, and most recently, Upgrade, by Blake Crouch.

But no matter what I try, no other book is pulling me in!

Looking for suggestions of books about fishermen's stories

Recently adopted a Portuguese water dog and have become very interested in fisherman from the 1800s. Just looking for some books about fisherman from that time period. (Think the movie "The Lighthouse") Can be fiction, non-fiction, anything really. Huge plus if it's creepy. Heck, a book about a guy sitting on a rowboat just going crazy would be good enough. If anything comes to mind I would greatly appreciate the insight.

(Trying to branch out and also learn some things so all recommendations are welcome)

Best LOVE stories :)

I want a book that makes you feel all the emotions: anger, sadness, most importantly, giddiness that causes you to kick your feet and scream. It has to have a happy ending. Life is disappointing enough, I don't need a book to make me sad again lol.

Please suggest we'll written books as well. I loved wattpad as a teen but don't want books with that feel. Thank you in advance!

any recommendations for books that are similar to Christopher Moore’s writing style or previous books?Other

i really enjoy the wordplay and the wit and the actual comedy that goes into the books and the storylines are good,the characters make appearances in other books and throwbacks to previous events,there are certain things like in fluke that actually teach you things and make you wanna research a topic… idk if this makes sense i dont use reddit but any similar books/authors would be appreciated!!

Long books that aren't apart of a series

Around 1000 pages or over. The last time I read a book that was over 1000 pages, it was the unofficial translation of Heavens Official Blessing and The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (i read on my devices)

I'm very into fantasy and Mythology tropes in books as well because I live for getting lost in a world that maybe resembles ours, but isn't with powers.

Particularly, I would love to read something that is similar to the game life is strange. I finished the first game and before the storm, and themes like that where it's very dark underneath the lines is something i'd love to read.

But honestly, any fantasy historical scifi or cyberpunk (like the game) far away in the future stuff thats not apart of a series but is just a VERY long book is fine for me. I hope i'm making sense haha.

LGBTQ themes and tropes are very welcome too. Thanks in advance!

Books about dysfunctional or alternative relationships

Already read every book by Tom Perrotta, Jonathan Franzen, Natan Hill, Elizabeth Strout and Annie Proulx. Intimacy, Cape May, State of the Union, The Seven Lives of Eveling Hugo and a ton more.

I love books about marriage and families, I'm sure I missed some hidden gems.

My wife and I are swingers, bonus for swinger references or subjects.

Thanks and happy reading.

Books for people who enjoy a quiet life

Books for introverted people, people who love nature, loneliness,main characters with a quiet life

Suggest me some good fiction books. It should be available in Hindi language. (Not Harray Potter - Already finished last week).

Hey folks, last week I finished reading the Harry Potter series. People binge-watch movies but I binge-read this book series and completed 7 books within a month. Now I want to read some more fiction books. I was planning to read "A Song of Ice and Fire", but this is not available in Hindi and the English of this book is too heavy for me. So suggest me some good fiction books to read. Should be available in Hindi.

Books like “The First Fifteen Lives of Henry August”?

I absolutely loved this book. Anyone know of a similar read?

Books similar to " A Little Life" - i want to be MOVED TO TEARS!

Hi! looking for a book similar to A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. Something that keeps you wanting to read more and uncover more about the characters. I am pretty open to anything except sci-fi type stuff.
**Preferably not any books with sexual violence .**

Books about urbanism and city planningNon-fiction

I make lots videos about this and want to see what books I haven’t read you all recommend!


Recently realized my all-time favorite novels are tales of survival (list below). Would love more recommendations!Fiction

My favorite books, in order of when I read them:

  1. The Boxcar Children (Gertrude Chandler Warner)

  2. Island of the Blue Dolphins (Scott O’Dell)

  3. My Side of the Mountain (Jean Craighead George)

  4. Life of Pi (Yann Martel)

  5. The Martian (Andy Weir)

  6. Station Eleven (Emily St. John Mandel)

  7. Project Hail Mary (Andy Weir)

For recommendations, you can assume I’ve read all other books by the authors above.

The particular aspects I love are MCs problem solving, amassing supplies, befriending an animal, having joyous moments doing all of the above.

Thanks! Bonus points if the book has a great audiobook version.

Adult books for a former Warrior Cats kid?

Getting back into reading, and I absolutely loved Warriors when I was a kid. Tried rereading them recently and although murder, prophecies, and religious battles are cool, the writing style is very obviously for children and I can't get into it.

Does anyone have any recs similar to Warriors? Protagonists don't have to be animals lol

Books similar to Final Fantasy games

I’ve been playing Rebirth and was curious for any books that capture that “Group of people Come together and become friends as they embark on an epic quest” type of feel.

Book suggestions?

Hi everyone, so I’m actually not big into reading because I tend to lose interest easily and find it hard to really get into the book. Some of the books I’ve really enjoyed in school throughout the years are The Outsiders, Holes, To Kill A Mockingbird, Streams to the River..River to the Sea, and Hatchet. These are mostly books we had to read in school, but I really enjoyed them. My goal is to start and finish a book this summer, can I get some ideas on books you could recommend me? Thanks :)

Book to get motivated to complete collegeNon-fiction

Anybody have a good book to get motivated to do well in college and finish up to get my degree?

Non fictions books you could recommend me?Non-fiction

I liked tao te ching and meditations but Im not religious nor I like spiritualism. I like philosophy, but hegel and... kant? focault? A priest? Cant remember, I read them when I tried to study law, were a pain. I like science in general but books on them tend to be dry. Im not a fan of auto biographies and diaries, but I did enjoyed tolkien's movie. I like linguistics, music, architecture, art, mythology, but everything ive seen so far was either again, dry, or way too shallow.. I loathe self help and inspirational books (recommend me rich dad poor dad and I will chase you with a frying pan). I like history but I dont like how it is taught. Humor? Not a fan in books outside of fiction. Economics? Its ok if they tie down to a more general subject but otherwise I prefer the theory. Cookbooks and the like are of course out of the question because they are more manual than story. Traveling stuff ive eyed out was meh. etc etc

Anything you can recommend me?

Hi! Getting into reading again and would like some recommendations.Other

I've noticed I enjoy generally darker stories, some I remember fondly bring Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, Enders Game, and A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Any recommendations based on these?

What is this dystopian story?

I read a series of books a few years ago (the latest one was released whilst I was reading).

It was about a teen girl who lived in a world where you found out the day you died 'death date'. There was something about her not dying on her death date and then the government wanting to hunt her down. I recall her being in some office lab buildings at some point and then golden gate bridge (maybe) in some flat or bunker...

I cannot find it for the life of me, however hard I Google and I can't find it on my Kindle app. I remember reading it electronically and feel like it may have been a freebie or included in Kindle membership or something...

Have I completely made it up?! I'm starting to wonder if I did... Help please!

Looking for a book (or two) to read in Europe!

Have never been a huge reader but just read How to End a Love Story and really enjoyed it. I also read Just My Type a few months ago and liked it, as well. I'm about to spend 2.5 weeks on a cruise and Europe and need some recommendations for more books like that. Ideally not too heavy and a happy ending. I read the Kindle sample of Funny Story and enjoyed it, but wanted to hear other suggestions before buying it in case there's something better out there! Thank you in advance!!