That’s really good wdym😭😂

Personally I would do what I love posting best or find a middle ground

The dating apps for straight women is a landfill of shi trying to find a gem.

So yes, real life is infinitely better as you get through more than just your looks.

And In a dating app, your height and looks will hold you back. (Unless the person is a weirdo and lies)

Me and my cousin had an identical dream in our childhoods that we joke about till this day as at the end of the dream

We both die, somewhere in Africa as old men from a drive by shooting

Yet infinitely better than putting yourself in debt for the foreseeable future

OP pay attention to the reply about getting taught.

Sell off your skills.

Could be through YouTube or making courses if you haven’t selling the skills .

Could be a monthly cost of 9.99£€$ or a one of package of 100-1000 .

Entailing everything you know or the tip of the iceberg

Trying to get handouts with no shame

Average worldwide is 5’7.5 bro

To talk about the OkCupid thing,

Isn’t that literally what dating apps are all about.

Physical aspects.

You may have a killer bio but if it doesn’t make anyone laugh or genuinely feel curious it’ll all come down to your looks whereas in the real world.

Yes that is what usually gets you through the door 9/10 but your personality is what would also keep you inside

I think you may have a fixed mindset.

Developing ones personality is a pretty endless journey as long as they’re open to growing.

And physically, eating right is the first step of many.

Being wrong and confident is a dangerous combination

Instead of drowning in your sorrows for the rest of yer life you could improve aspects of yourself to make the ideal you without the height.

This and the hashtags.

I think she should try focusing on 4-5 re-occurring hashtags she’ll use for the next 10-20 videos as well as her own unique one like #YandersonDoesMakeup

I’ve come back with a new perspective.

I hear your point.

Have a nice day

Not sure why you took it like that, it’s not that deep