If that's the case, then I apologize and thank you for pointing it out. I'm a bit tipsy so it's possible that I read it wrong

I get what you're saying, but this isn't the only he's ever talked about this. If you take into consideration everything he's said about Palestine and Israel, it's very clear what his position is. He's a very liberal zionist who's said that he sees a need for Israel and that he believes in a 2 state solution because under a one state Palestinians Hamas would just kill all the Jewish people. Idk, at this point, y'all can keep denying reality if you want. If Ethan wanted to clarify his position then he would. Sam Seder was willing to talk to him, Hasan said he could put him in contact with his anti-zionist Jewish friends. And instead of doing any of that, all he's done over these past few months is take jabs at pro-Palestine activists, regurgitate Israeli propaganda and use antisemitism as a shield to avoid any criticism. If a one-time donation and a few empty words are enough to blind you from everything else he's said then I don't know what to say to you (not you you, but his remaining fans in general)

I didn't hear he admitted it on Instagram. I saw his Instagram stories myself and you can too!

He's said things like "there's a need for Israel" in the past, but I think this is the first time he's explicitly said that he's a zionist. I'm p sure he knew what it meant. After all, Hila is from Israel, they lived in Israel and some of his closest family members are very pro-Israel. I remember seeing a clip from a few months ago in which he said that the people calling him a zionist were only using it as a stand-in for "jew" (conflating zionism with Judaism). I think that's one of the reasons he hadn't publicly acknowledged it , he wanted to keep conflating antizionism with antisemitism to avoid any criticism and he also wanted to keep portraying himself as a pragmatic pro-Palestine guy

Idk who Brad is, but he went to their show and took a picture with Hila and Ethan. All I know is that this situation prompted Ethan to finally admit that he's a zionist (see his Instagram stories)

Isn't this from last year? I think she's making fun of Palestine supporters who call Israeli settlers "genocidal freaks"

He said during a Leftovers episode that he loves Israel and that he saw a need for Israel

Edit: here's the link

I stopped watching after his argument with Hasan and when the Aaron Bushnell incident happened, I had a very similar reaction to op's. After talking to some fans who didn't leave until then, I came to the understanding that a lot of them are dealing with a lot of cognitive dissonance and so, they start making justifications (e.g. "he said that it's bad to kill Palestinians; therefore, he's for the liberation of Palestine" and trivializing the bad things he's said (e.g. "he was just presenting the Israeli side of things, that doesn't mean that he believes that") to try and lower it. It doesn't help that many of them don't truly understand what anti-zionism and Palestinian liberation entail so they're easily fooled and duped into believing that liberal zionists such as Ethan are actually pro-Palestine.

I want to add that I know that sometimes this type of comment come off as condescending or as holier-than-thou so I'd like to add that I struggled with this as well. For years, I knew that he had a liberal take on this issue. It's something I'd bring up whenever other fans mentioned Palestine. But I kept watching because I thought he was capable of evolving and changing his opinion. Clearly, that wasn't the case and he ended up spreading harmful israeli propaganda so yeah... I was wrong lol.

My point is that they're very good at encouraging parasocial relationships and because of it, fans have a hard time letting go even when they recognize that things are wrong.


I stopped watching after his argument with Hasan and when the Aaron Bushnell incident happened, I had a very similar reaction to op's. After talking to some fans who didn't leave until then, I came to the understanding that a lot of them are dealing with a lot of cognitive dissonance and so, they start making justifications (e.g. "he said that it's bad to kill Palestinians; therefore, he's for the liberation of Palestine" and trivializing the bad things he's said (e.g. "he was just presenting the Israeli side of things, that doesn't mean that he believes that") to try and lower it. It doesn't help that many of them don't truly understand what anti-zionism and Palestinian liberation entail so they're easily fooled and duped into believing that liberal zionists such as Ethan are actually pro-Palestine.

I want to add that I know that sometimes this type of comment come off as condescending or as holier-than-thou so I'd like to add that I struggled with this as well. For years, I knew that he had a liberal take on this issue. It's something I'd bring up whenever someone mentioned Palestine on the main subreddit. But I kept watching because I thought he was capable of evolving and changing his opinion. Clearly, that wasn't the case and he ended up spreading harmful israeli propaganda so yeah... I was wrong lol.

My point is that they're very good at encouraging parasocial relationships and because of it, fans have a hard time letting go even when they recognize that things are wrong.

Edit: typos

And Nicole isn't that small of a creator, her follower count is similar to Hila's (813K vs 948K). Also, Nicole's post about her collab with Hoka has almost double the amount of likes that Hila's post has (27K vs 14K). I don't think she needs a Z-list "celebrity" shouting her out

"We haven't seen any evidence of that" she literally admits in her tiktoks that the cat would often get sick for 2 or 3 days and that she didn't take it to the vet. There's also video evidence of her ex implying that the cat got sick often. There are also pictures and videos of the cat when it was under her care in which the cat looks sick and not groomed properly. It's psycho shit to try and save an animal but not to be neglectful and not take it to the vet when it's clearly sick???

iirc when he went on Bobby Lee's podcast, he said that he was very pro-Palestine when he was in college and living in "Israel" is what changed his views. I think in an alternate universe, he would've POSSIBLY become an anti-zionist jew

While I agree that people shouldn't be mocked for arriving at the right conclusion later than others, I think it'd be beneficial for them to explore why they dismissed earlier signs of callousness from Ethan. I said the same thing (in another subreddit) about the comments he made about Aaron's self-immolation and how a white man dying (not the Palestinians) was some people's catalyst. It can be used as a moment of reflection by asking yourself "Why did I ignore other signs?" or "Why is this the thing that did it for me?". It's something I did myself in regards to other situations I dismissed or ignored 

I'm not sure if you included this, but here's Ethan saying that he loves israel and that he sees a need for israel. It's an older clip from a deleted Leftovers episode

I'd like to add that another contributing factor was that Moses allegedly stealthed a H3 fan. Whether those allegations are true or not, it is true that he used his connections to H3 to get close to fans. That's one of the reasons why Ethan said he'd rather make up with Trisha than with Moses. Also, if I remember correctly, they thought Moses was purposely feeding Trisha conflicting information about their family dynamic, creating unnecessary drama and arguments

Yes! Alex (Lolo) has a couple of videos with Jarvis as well

I love fear&. I'd also like to recommend Lolo & Olay. They're both really funny and have a very entertaining dynamic. Lolo is friends with Hasan and Olayemi was on his stream a few weeks ago

I'm going to be honest. I don't give a shit if he's a scammer or not. Dude deserves more than a green card after dealing with that crazy bitch and her abuse for years

No, he (Dennis) doesn't. He fell off a few years ago. And when I say he fell off I mean he fell off badly. I've never seen ayone lose that much viewership in such a small amount of time. He eventually deleted all of his videos and stopped posting

Sí, eres la única. El resto amamos el ruido innecesario, despertarnos con ruido y no poder escuchar ni nuestros pensamientos /s


I know you didn’tsay those things. That’s why I said you’re acting like xyz

I don’t think it’s antisemitic

Why did you single out jews then? They’re not the only ones who support israel. Like I’ve said several times already, there are more Christians in the US that support israel than there are Jewish people. So please, go ahead and explain why you felt the need to only single out jews. Either way, I think it’s naive to think you could pressure either of them into stopping US relations with israel

Biden fans know I’m right

Delusional af to think any of us are Biden fans. Like I said in my edit, my reply has nothing to do with op’s question. The problem I have with your comment is that 1. you’re regurgitating antisemitic propaganda by acting like the jews in his base are the main thing influencing Biden and 2. you’re acting like support for israel is dependent on who’s in office and not something that the US will do regardless of who’s in office because it benefits from having an ally in the region

Trump could drop support for israel and his base would stick with him

His donors wouldn’t. Most of the Christians in his base wouldn’t