Please leave feedback for additions or removals in the comments!

General Commentary:
  • Hila denies the atrocities of Israel | Link 
  • Ethan questions credible reports that Palestinian women were raped by the IDF | Link 
  • Hila talks about getting recruited to attend a "terrorist raid" in Palestine "because she's cute" | Link 
  • Ethan tweets abusive messages to a queer Arab person “Enjoy your drugs and being a sex worker, Hamas would kill you on the spot” | Link 
  • Ethan says using the word “zionist” is antisemitic, says “it’s a slur for being a Jew” 2:30 | Link 
  • Ethan wishing for Iraqi terrorists to come and murder Pro Palestinian families | Link
  • Ethan telling his audience to sacrifice their family to an Iraqi terrorist if they care about freedom | Link
  • Ethan telling a chatter to shut the fuck up after they ask him to learn more about the subject, also Hila saying that Ethan knows enough since he married an Israeli | Link
  • "It's kind of silly to even pretend like it's not just a genocide of the Jews there" 2:17 | Link 
  • Ethan calls people criticizing him cowards and losers; assumes they are all Americans supporting Hamas | Links
  • Ethan calls h3snark “white losers who know nothing about Islam” | Link 
  • Hila makes a joke about "Genocidal Freaks" over Thanksgiving | Link 
  • Ethan says the Palestinian cause is "plenty talked about" | Link 
  • Ethan says "I've said everything you want to hear. Suck my fucking dick, fuck you" to his Palestine-supporting fans | Link 
  • Ethan talks about anti-Semitism on TikTok | Link  
  • Ethan backtracks, says him and Hila don’t know anything and only “elected officials” should talk about Palestine, Hila says taking a stance would ruin her career | Link 
  • Ethan posts an Instagram story saying 90% of Jews are Zionists including himself | Link

Aaron Bushnell

  • Ethan says Aaron Bushnell is “really good at fucking burning alive” | Link 
  • Olivia and Ethan Klein bash Aaron Bushnell, insinuating that he's a war supporter | Link 
  • Ethan and Hila double down and claim Aaron was "glamorizing" suicide | Link 
  • AB defends Ethan after he rants about Aaron Bushnell | Link  / Link 
  • Hila Compares Jokes About Shetty's Eyes to Aaron Bushnell self- immolation | Link 
  • Ethan: "don't say rest in power" after he tells an offensive joke about aaron Bushnell that had to be buttoned out (hila laughed) *


  • Ethan wishing for an Iraqi terrorist to kill Frogan's family in front of her | Link 
  • Frogan’s tweets to Ethan | Link
  • Ethan blames Hasan’s “community” for the end of Leftovers | Link 
  • Frogan responds to Ethan | Link 
Related Social Media Context: Ethan And Hila
  • Ethan makes instagram post defending Hila after nuking his Twitter account | Link 
  • Hila “likes” Hasbara propaganda on Twitter | Link 
  • Ethan and Hila “like” a tweet about genocide protests at school by Casey Neistat | Link 
  • Hila loses over 50k followers for exposing herself as a Zionist | Link 
  • Ethan wants TikTok banned now that he is getting criticism for being a Zionist | Link 
  • Ethan continues to push the "Zionist = slur for Jew" narrative on Twitter | Link  
  • Ethan DMs another creator asking them to remove a pro-palestine tweet | Link
Related Social Media Context: Crew
  • Ethan and Hila call out Olivia for promoting “From the River to the Sea” on Twitter | Link 
  • Olivia removes her tweet supporting Palestine after Ethan and Hila mock her for “not understanding” what she’s supporting | Link 
  • AB celebrates The Weeknd’s donation to Palestine, quickly deletes it | Link 
  • AB shows his support of Palestine by wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh | Link
  • AB shows his support of Palestine with a Palestinan flag bracelet | Link
  • AB likes a tweet suggesting he's done more for Palestine than anyone criticizing him for not speaking up about the genocide on the show | Link 
  • Olivia likes pro-Palestine tweets, but stays silent on the show | Link 
  • Olivia likes more pro-Palestine tweets, continues silence on the show | Link 
  • Olivia shows support for Frogan, but never verbally defends her on H3 | Link 
  • Love shows support for Palestine in the comments of one of his YouTube videos (but has never spoken up on the show) | Link 
Related Social Media Context: Klein Family 
  • Gary spreads Israeli propaganda on Twitter/X | Link 
  • Gary likes racist tweet | Link 
  • Gary likes tweet to "send gays to Gaza to learn respect" | Link 
  • Donna makes pro-Israel comments on Twitter/X | Link 
  • Donna follows Joseph Haddad on Instagram | Link
  • Ethan's sister wrongfully conflates the keffiyeh to a swastika on twitter | Link 
Support of Zionists/Israel: 
  • Ethan hires a Zionist named Tom Ward | Link 
  • Hila donates to an Israeli fundraiser during the genocide | Link 
  • Hila follows Yoseph Haddad on Instagram | Link 
  • Donna calls in, bashes Barba Streisand for not defending Israel, instead praises Zionists Debra Messing & Jerry Seinfeld | Link 
  • Ethan calls Palestinians “it” [archive] | Link 
  • Hila and Ethan's thoughts on college students protesting Israel [archive] | Link 
  • Hila makes really weird genocide apologist art in 2013 | Link 
  • Ethan and Hila call Hasidic Jews disgusting, goofy and smelly | Link 
  • Ethan Klein jokes about apartheid in Jerusalem | Link 
  • H3 and crew are noticeably missing from The Creators for Palestine fundraiser | Link 
  • Hila’s reveals her colonizer mindset when discussing tourism in Hawaii | Link 
  • Ethan donates more to a dog non-profit than Palestine | Link 
  • Ethan never retracts his misinformation about Gaza hospital statements/misinformation | Link 
  • AB says he’s losing childhood friendships over his lack of public support for Palestine | Link 
  • H3 fans deny the genocide | Link 
  • Ethan suggests Nazi's didn't hate black people | Link
  • Ethan showing his bias with media, does little research | Link 
  • Hila laughs at Ethan saying all he sees are people dying on his social feeds | Link 
  • Ethan asks Hasan if he's ever lived through daily bombings | Link 
  • Ethan says "Lalalalala I can't hear you" as Hasan speaks | Link 
  • Ethan has his maid come in and clean his desk during the stream | Link 
  • Ethan gets upset that Hasan isn't censoring the backlash in his chat | Link 
  • Ethan compares Palestine's call for freedom to the Confederate flag | Link 
  • Ethan swears at Hasan when he asks if he can be honest | Link 
  • The "Impromptu Leftovers" episode ends abruptly with Ethan visibly upset | Link 
  • Ethan says "I have no stake in the game" then proceeds to walk off camera crying | Link 
  • Ethan says "South Africa apartheid is completely different than (this) situation" | Link 
  • Ethan suggests that Israel would "use a nuclear bomb if they have to" | Link 
  • Ethan compares Pro-Palestine Jewish voices with "Jewish collaborators with Nazis" | Link 
  • Ethan, sitting in his mansion: "I'm in this depressing, bomb-shelter-esque (room)" | Link 
  • Ethan says he only sees "all out war" | Link
  • Ethan cancels Leftovers, his political podcast with Hasan Piker | Link
Hasan/Leftovers: Social Media
  • Hila unfollows Hasan, follows anti-Palestinian accounts instead | Link 
  • Zach unfollows Hasan after Leftovers ends | Link 
  • Ethan targets the Try Guys when they are vocal about their support for Palestine and work alongside Hasan | Link