
I think polls don't matter. If they did, Hillary Clinton would be president today.

Also, FiveThirtyEight is wrong a lot of the time. And polls don't matter.

No, we can all NOT agree. One of them is running on his record; the other is running from his record.

If you think they're both the same, you have not been paying attention. Go read this:

Donald Trump is a rapist and convicted felon. He freely admits he commits fraud and tax fraud all the time. His party wants to overthrow the current government and install one of their own making. They have admitted this.

Do not even try to lump the toilet clog with hair that is Donald Trump with the lifelong public servant and father who actually knows his children's names and birthdays. No.

Just fucking stop.

A lot of people don't read those books. In fact, a lot of people don't read books at all, except for that one book they're always talking about, and frankly, a lot of them haven't read that book either. A lot of people have very little education, and the education they do have is poor.

My neighbor did not know that George Washington was the first president; she did, however, recognize him as the "dollar bill dude." She didn't know she had to be registered to vote. She actually knows very little because, as she freely admits, she didn't pay attention in school, she had someone else do her homework, and she cheated as much as possible. She dropped out the minute she turned 16. She has trouble filling out forms because she doesn't read or write well; she cannot spell the name of the street we live on. I've helped her with things, and I estimate she has about a second-grade education. She does not know the capital of the US (she thought it was New York), nor does she know the capital of the state we live in. My neighbor is 24 years old and the mother of two children. When I told her that the GOP intended to cut her food stamps, she replied, "They can't do that! That's a government program!"

At his point, she may be uneducable, and there are a lot of people in this country who are just like her. They don't vote or they vote for the same party their ancestors have always voted for because they're team players. I told my neighbor to watch Randy Rainbow and the Liberal Redneck (Trae Crowder) videos, and she's on the Blue Team now.

But it's just so hard talking to people who have no idea about anything.

Dude, this is not your girlfriend. This is your rapist. She raped you. Run.

If you get her pregnant, and there's a really good chance you will, you will spend the rest of your life with her whether you like it or not because you will always be bound by the child she will insist on having.


NTA. It's not about the ashes. It's about the lack of respect.


No. And all this "Biden needs to step down" media nonsense is giving "But her emails." And we all know how that worked out.

So true! I've outgrown some allergies I had when I was a kid, and picked up a few different allergies as I grew up. Food allergies are weird.

Tell him that boys can be stay-at-home parents, too. NTA

60 something

My circulation is poor. My kidneys are beginning to shut down (but currently stable). My blood pressure is a little high. Arthritis causes intermittent pain, usually associated with drastic weather changes. I've developed repetitive motion injuries in both arms (elbows and shoulders). And because I have a lot of food allergies and intolerances, and new ones keep popping up all the time, I have diarrhea almost every day.

But my lungs are clear and according to all the latest tests, I'm still cancer-free (for now) and I don't have any signs of dementia (yet). My doctor says that everyone gets cancer and/or dementia, unless something else gets them first.

Remember this: "If they wanted to, they would."

If you wanted to text her, you'd do that. If she wanted to text back, she would.

She didn't text back because she doesn't want to.

You also need to understand that some males don't take rejection well, and in fact, some of them get violent sometimes. Some young women might be more inclined to ghost someone instead of taking a chance on getting beaten up or murdered.

Yes, that happens. /r/whenwomenrefuse

Don't take it personally. Sometimes, people are just not compatible.


The Republicans spent over 30 years vilifying Hillary Clinton on the off-chance she might one day run for president, which she did.

History repeats with Kamala Harris, only double because she's also Black and Asian.

No, of course she's not that bad. She's highly qualified and thoroughly vetted. Her political adversaries would have you believe otherwise because it's in their best interest to elect a fool who does outrageous things they can report and get you to click on so they can make more money.

Nothing has changed since 2016. They're playing the exact same game they always play.

Kamala Harris may have been invisible to YOU, but she's not been invisible to the hundreds of thousands of college students she visited.

Just because you didn't go to any of her rallies doesn't mean she was invisible.


Easiest question in the world. Same political beliefs, different culture.

I can get used to different cultures; I can't get used to being a second-class citizen.

Oh, honey. I don't think you're the girlfriend/wife. I think you're the side piece. Sorry, unless that's what you wanted.

Remember this: "If he wanted to, he would."

Travis Kelce caught a midnight flight across the world to see Taylor Swift. Your man won't even take you out to breakfast. Don't settle for less.

Political parties are private clubs, and if you're not in the club, you don't get a say. THEY decide who's turn it is.

If Democrats decide that it's Hillary Clinton's turn, it's Hillary Clinton's turn. If Democrats decide it's Kamala Harris' turn, then it's Kamala Harris' turn.

Democrats make those decisions. Not Republicans, not independents, and certainly not those who don't bother to vote. Democrats decide what Democrats do.

That's how political parties work. Hillary Clinton gave Barack Obama all her delegates with the understanding that he would later support her presidential campaign. Bernie Sanders threw a wrench in the works by pretending to be a Democrat and demanding to be treated as one, even though he is famously NOT a Democrat and has spent his entire political career as an independent. He has also spent a lot of his time talking shit about Democrats, which does not endear him to the party members.

Bernie Sanders was never going to get the nomination because he's not a Democrat. Never. Not. Absolutely.

Hillary Clinton was next in line because that was the agreement she and the Democratic Party had reached regarding Barack Obama's candidacy.

It's not that hard to understand, but first you have to have a rudimentary understanding of how political parties work.

For more information, check out the Crash Course on political parties.

My local Walmart. I was in a bind, and I bought four new tires and had them put on at Walmart. I told the guy to put the old tires in my trunk because I intended to give them to my brother because he was even worse off than I was. I got home, popped the trunk, and no tires. I drove back to Walmart and asked for my tires, and they said they couldn't find them.

I escalated to the store manager. They couldn't explain to me how my four tires had gone missing in the 20 minutes I was gone from the store, and they couldn't explain why -- despite the numerous cameras all around the automotive area -- or where my tires had gone.

Eventually, I got a gift card, that that wasn't the point. THEY STOLE MY TIRES. They always intended to steal my tires, and some jerk at Walmart sold them and made bank. I wanted those tires. I didn't want the stupid gift card.

I wouldn't buy so much as a banana from that store ever again.


He's an honest guy who wants what's best for the people in this country. He hires smart people and he doesn't take any malarkey off dumbasses.

That's all I really need to know.


Duh. Ken Ham was the liar and cheater in that debate. How do you not see that?!

I have no idea. I do know that I can't eat any chocolates made in America because I'm allergic to soy, and they all contain some kind of soy.


Nope. People who respect the truth, people with integrity, like Newsom and Buttigieg, cannot hope to match with someone like Donald Trump. People focus on the madman and they completely miss what the intelligent man is saying.

Nobody can beat Donald Trump in a lying contest. He's an expert.


He didn't destroy Biden. He lied. He ranted. He looked like a madman!

Sadly, the media didn't even notice. Neither did you, apparently.


People who argue in good faith should never, ever debate with people who lie and cheat. It's that simple.

They drag you down to their level, and you can't beat their expertise.

Donald Trump did not debate Joe Biden. He lied and he ranted, but he never answered the questions. He did not argue in good faith. He lied. He cheated.

Joe Biden, quite correctly, was shocked and shaken by Trumps continuous stream of vitriol and bullshit.

Trump dragged Joe Biden down to his level, and no one, especially someone with integrity and a respect for the truth, cannot beat Donald Trump in a lying contest.


The real question is, will Biden bother debating a lying liar who lies instead of debating for a second time.

If it were me, I wouldn't give him another opportunity to spew more lies. Bill Nye made a huge mistake debating creationist Ken Ham, and Joe Biden made a mistake debating an idiot, too.