I 28F have been with my man M38 for 10 months, we are having a baby together and he has not once hung out with friends while we’ve been together. I’ve never met his Dad, although his dad knows about me and the pregnancy. We stayed at his cottage once while they were out of town. Just recently his parents were in town, and he said oh you’ll finally get to meet my dad. But then he woke up early one morning and went to breakfast with him and his dad never came to meet us. They left out of town again. I’ve never met his sister although sometimes when he talks to her on the phone on speaker we will chat briefly. I don’t have their numbers. The most toxic person in his life is the one I met, the first family member I met. Over the course of our relationship he has mentioned a few times here and there the his friends might come over but they never do. Not one single time. I have two daughters and we have never gone out to eat, all 4 of us, not once. Am I ignoring bad signs? What’s up? I don’t know what to make of this.