I had to look it up, its called Spiritfarer Documentary - A Game About Dying. Its all good, I'm much more interested in trials and triumphs of people rather than just "wow well it sure is warm outside!" Plus I had a close friend who worked at an eating disorder non-profit through covid so I heard a lot of her stories and struggles. Some things will stick with you no matter what. Sometimes its easier to just open up to someone online who you've never met lol wishing you well too!

I was Afghanistan in 2020 and while we didn't have the rough time a lot of people before us had(mostly due to covid and the drawn down) but the whole military experience was still very stressful and it helped to bury your emotions. I didn't really unpack all that until I got out of the service and watched someone play Spiritfarer. Each character felt real. It was fun a cheery but then you'd be hit of the reality of these imperfect people and their lives and the fate they would came to accept. Of course the end did me in too.

If you have the heart, watch the making of it where the devs describe the experience. I'm not an emotional guy but everything about that game just hits me.

This is one of the reasons I love this game. The world feels diverse and like there is some measure of depth/history to explore. There's a couple weird races of creatures in that game that just aren't explained - look at the hippo people. Where did they come from? Do they normally live in small families in low lying rivers? Is Hippaul and his family the outlier? How about Queen Stella? Where the history of the stellazios and we're they from a race of duck like people's? Or perhaps some of these characters are human and like a storybook, the difference in appearance is an artistic take on how their personalities are reflected outward?

For me, any sort of headcannon is a fine explanation.

The other factor you need to consider was the time.

Bookstores seemed to have a resurgence of popularity due to pushes in reading and mainstream modern stores with ambiance like Barnes and Nobles or Borders. If you liked a genre, you could buy or rent a VHS, maybe a DVD if your parents bought one. Maybe you'd go to a library, but paper was still a HUGE piece of media. That's how my friends and I got a lot of our gaming knowledge was gaming stores and gaming magazines.

When children or teen media became popular, people would discuss it in the news or the newspapers(I only read the comics but my parents always got them). I saw the books at the store but I got the impression it was more for kids than my 12 year old self and Prisoner of Azkaban was about to release. When I turned 13 though, my grandma got me Philosophers Stone and I tried it and loved it. I'd bring it to school to read during downtime and I had loaned to my friends so they could read too. I think around the first movie is when I knew they were super popular but they were on the New York Times Beat Seller List even back in '99. A lot of people were talking about it even back then.

It's definitely a huge point. Reddit is on this kick of saying how "misunderstood" this movie was but I've watched it a ton. Personally it's helped me through times of extreme monotony and being a job where I had felt neutered. I got stuck doing the daily routine and forgot how amazing life could be. Yes, the main character keeps going far far in that direction but people do snap when they are emotionally broken and restricted.

I never understood why you could craft it. Was there originally a subplot where she breaks hers and you get her a new one? Or did the designers really just want a red herring?

Gundam Wing, shocked I haven't seen it mentioned. Imo the best Gundam and one of the best anime of all time.

There's been a few discussions on banyan trees in Florida. They seem to thrive there and help with erosion but aren't native, take up a lot of space, and kill the trees they germinate on. Personally I love them but I could see a large swath of them becoming problematic. On top of the fact, FL already has invasive species that are becoming a bigger problem. They would likely thrive in that environment. Sometimes the impact of these things can be greater than we imagine.

Newcomers won't believe this was written before 9/11. There are too many on the nose theories AND you just couldn't do the grey death/ambrosia storyline anymore - that's a driving factor for a lot of the game. Imagine them showing Chinese involvement in a bad light, no way. Now they couldn't even bring up secret tunnels under New York where people live. Imagine a show that mentions a globalist elite organization who pulls all the strings. The potential for use of AI...

I also thought that there was somehow a connection to the ocean, that could allow ocean travel/trade in and out

alguém diga a ela que ela pode postar tudo o que quiser no Twitter/X

TBH I only did a few steps of that quest back in vanilla days but I'd be willing to bet most current players have no idea what that quest entails. Could be very interesting to see that roll back around.

I started around my 13th birthday. My grandmother gifted me the first book but POA was already out and they were becoming very popular. Of course after Philosophers Stone I was hooked, and they often released around my birthday and it was almost a tradition for my grandma to gift me the next. So I read them as the released and the movies came out and finished DH shortly after it released(it came out right before my 20th birthday). It wasn't right away though because (I may catch hate for this) I felt like the books fell off a bit and just didn't have that magic. I also was not happy with the end. But also I kind of didn't want it to end, it had been a big series for years and there was no concept of anything after besides more movies. I actually haven't picked up DH since then. I should probably give it another shot.

oh nooooo I havent finished season 2 yet lol how bad is it?

I play resto and here is a secret. Just start casting heals, they will think you're resto and come to you. They can pick me out in seconds and swarm me so play the part and they will come to you.

Probably just take it all in. The smells, the feel, how cool are the stone walls under your hand. It would be like a waking dream to not just see but to truly experience it. Then head to the great hall and grab some snacks. I know that food HITS

I thought so too but I quickly found myself also liking her... There's a weird connection between annoyed and being attracted to someone. I don't know the science but it's definitely there.

Spy x Family is wholesome and has me cracking up.

muito melhor sem as tatuagens e o piercing no nariz

Ok fine I'll be that guy: what trinket???

The Office is one of the most accurate depictions of personalities in the military I've ever seen.

Always that incompetent leader who wants everyone to love him. Always people trying to look busy or when they want to work the bosses want another meeting. There's that socially awkward guy with too much knowledge of knives who is still very gullible and too serious. Out of the pew pews it's spot on.

She streamed on Twitch for years now. Always a chill vibe.

You sure made the bots angry. Not a reasonable argument and a brigade of downvotes. Lol you didn't even say you supported him.

The whole movie building to that point and then just extreme intensity. They did such a great job of portraying a state of shock.

Yeah I love that they chose to have his reaction where it wasn't a fear of having a kid or responsibility it was the hope that the kid wouldn't face the same problems he did.