I have always wondered what was the deal with Puck being the Prince of Burmecia and his relationship with the King. He is not in good terms with his fathers, we know, but we're never told why exactly. He doesn't explain it, he just says that he does not want to see the old man and tells Freya to say hi for the King to him, and that's it. Later, he comes back to Cleyra's cathedral to talk about Fratley's amnesia and both characters are gone from the screen.

Heck, you think they're both dead after Odin's attack on Cleyra, but at the ending Puck is just doing fine, and Fratley still has amnesia but he seems fine too. It's like there was a moment between Discs 3 and 4 where you'd meet some of Cleyra's survivors, and I don't know, Fratley rescued them but he doesn't even remember being there at all.

Also, Burmecia is implied to be this kingdom ruled by tradition and their society's militarization being shown by every male npc being a soldier, which may be some of the reasons why Puck left home, he couldn't stand it as it was. The same goes for Fratley, who mentioned to Freya in a flashback sequence about the nations preparing themselves for yet another war and how he was going to prevent it by himself. I really wanted to see more about these characters, a prince who left home and a guy who thought he could be a hero on his own only to be met with amnesia.