Mammals gang yo. Fk them reptiles

So him being a plumber is his fall from grace after a failed high jump career? Make sense..

I heard on OpenAi that they do not allow real people as basis for these ai videos since it’s extremely dangerous.

Imagine the negative usage specially on politics around the world and the whole fake news economy.

Mukang may pattern ng compulsive lying, may mga nasirang buhay na yan pero never held accountable so she thought she can keep doing it. Crazy psycho behavior.

I wonder if the grape recovered, there was no news after that.

Bro felt safe in comfort zone. With free rent and food + a gf that tolerates his laziness. Life is good.

Why she looks like a 20 yr old grandma

In 12th century, that’s when you start a religion

Imagine if she’s one of those genZ’s that thinks Nirvana was just a brand of shirt 😂

So, What will happen if you have funds on the platform that will be banned?

Good. Time to avoid processed food now that you are on a place with better and fresh choices .

Personally I thought this was altered. I only played a bit when i was young and I only remember Disney characters on KH. Never knew Toy Story was part of the game as well.

Prime Nora Aunor. Bianca Gonzales. Angel Aquino.


Still crazy how we doubters got downvoted here. Reddit has become facebook in being gullible.

Like the plot of the movie “Time Trap”. Really underrated.

It seems like it’s your problem because you can’t read. Most people likes context.


Could be great if you’re planning a certain business tho, considering foot traffic and specific consumers.

Coming back from years abroad thats one of the most odd thing I noticed here in ph.

Why lots companies don’t use businesses emails. Makes things feels not legit. Very vulnerable to identity theft. Anyone can pretend they works there and scam you.

But very good publicity. Definitely worth more than ₱100k in social media impressions.

That takoyaki shop about to become a household name.


Correct. Saturated, plus mamumula yan at mag swell yung edges if fresh.

Obvious fake tats for publicity.

Adulting Protip: switch to UnionBank.

BDO is dogshit